I love creating content

in Comunidad Latina2 years ago

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I love creating content

Another interesting theme in Week 4 of Comunidad Latina, users are free to tell us how they feel about creating content and some good questions about the content. hopefully, reading the story that might be able to add insight to me personally or anyone who read the posts of each prospective participant.

I invited @alee75, @sailawana, and @liasteem to participate. best regards to all of you, especially the admins and mods in the Comunidad Latina community. here's the content of my contest post.

How do you feel creating content? Describe your feelings

For me creating content is something related to a hobby, because it involves interest to make creativity in someone who will come out and produce an interesting work for myself or maybe someone else. interests or hobbies that come out will bring satisfaction and also a sense of happiness, or it could be something fun.


I finished making contests, it was very fun

So with that for me, when I finish creating certain content and I succeed in doing it, at that time it will also bring a sense of satisfaction and happiness in me. satisfaction here means that I can channel the creative ideas that I have, presenting what I think in the form of work. as for happiness, I will be able to when I read or see the work I do, especially if it gets positive things or comments from people who see it. at that time happiness will be truly in the can, and satisfaction and happiness become one.

Do you participate in the diary game? Why?

The diary game is one of the types of content that I often publish On Steemit there are at least 3 or 4 types of posts on this theme that I publish every week. a type of post that tells the daily activities that a person does, from morning to evening or morning to night. this type of post usually has a slightly long word element and is equipped with images that are presented and also seem to tell the situation that is being experienced, like something like Talking Pictures.

Ketahui makanan favorit mereka dan hidangan yang ingin mereka coba..jpgKetahui makanan favorit mereka dan hidangan yang ingin mereka coba. (9).jpgKetahui makanan favorit mereka dan hidangan yang ingin mereka coba. (11).jpg
Ketahui makanan favorit mereka dan hidangan yang ingin mereka coba. (3).jpgJIKA BERTEMU SC01 (1).jpg
Some of the diary game theme content covers I publish

Why do I often make diary game-themed posts? very good question. in this type of post an author is free to write in their language, and with their language style. this type of post is very easy to do and produce, it is because the author will easily tell their daily activities. this type of content is also far from writing that has elements of plagiarism or plagiarism because it is a daily activity that is directly experienced by a writer. the most important thing is to make sure the Daily game-themed Writing by a real author, is not something that has elements of obscurity from a writer.

What contests or dynamics do you usually participate in? (And in which communities)

At the beginning of joining Steemit, I liked all kinds of contests held by several communities, be it the Steem Entrepreneurs community, STEEM for BETTERLIFE, Steemkids, and other community communities. now that I'm a Hot News community MOD, I sometimes create contests for the Hot News Community.

Policy changes, as well as developments at Steemit, are a dynamic that I am used to following, this will be additional insight and information for me. all forms of these changes are always interesting to read and follow, especially for the progress and development of one's account.

What kind of content do you like the most and what kind of content do you like the least?

The type of insight and information Post is the type of Post that I like, but at least the big support that I get for this type of post makes me sometimes have to make posts that allow me to get big support, for example, Game Diary posts. this type of post made me like it, especially because it had the opportunity to get great support.


me when creating content

I'm a little not too familiar with Crypto posts, this type of post I avoid a bit for me to publish. in addition to the lack of understanding, the Crypto-themed post is a difficult post for me to write, because of the understanding factor.

Do you consider the quality of the comments to be high or low? Why?

Overall during the Steemit engagement Challenge contest, the comments section improved. almost all participants responded to each other in the comments column, and this is very good for the development of Steemit as a blogging ecosystem. but the biggest drawback is that user comments seem to be just a rule of thumb, meaning they're far from as spontaneous as some other social media sites.

This factor is because comments are made as a complement to a certain rule, not because of the encouragement of what users read naturally. comments these comments are often interrupted by just a few responses that generally tend to be almost the same, and few make existing comments that's it.

In your opinion, what type of content should be most valued by large and small curators?

The type of contest like a the diary game in my opinion is one of the types most liked by most curators, even one of the types of posts that are often visited by big curators. it may be acceptable because it has some quality that presents a natural reading, meaning from a real user with writing that is far from something that is prohibited, namely plagiarism.


That is why I reasoned the diary game is one of the contests that many curators visit so that almost in all communities this themed post is always there and every day is always found in every community.

Would you like to see Comunidad Latina in another season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge? Explain your answer.

Comunidad Latina is one of the growing communities with a fairly large number of followers, this could be a consideration so that this community can be re-elected in the next season. another factor is the theme that is given every week, the theme of Latina Comunidad theme is a daily theme and also a much easier theme for users to participate. too complex theme categories make the hope of making this contest have a large number of participants participating, will reduce the interest of potential participants.

With the theme that has entered its 4th week, Comunidad Latina continues to provide easy-to-understand themes and is also very fun for potential participants to participate.

I hope this post is useful for me and anyone who reads it.

About Me


About my account
PeriodSeptembery 20 to September 20, 2022
Transfer to Vesting 1.643.80 Steem
Cash Out
18.000 Steem for the contest prize
CSI12.8 ( 0.00 % self, 122 upvotes, 70 accounts, last 7d )

Determination of club Status refers to a Web-based application steemworld.org


Hi @fantvwiki

I'm not sure what happened to your punctuation, but after full stops you need to use capital letters.

Generally you need to check before posting.

Also :

I'm a little not too familiar with Crypto posts,

I'm not familiar with ... / I'm not that knowledgeable about ...

You are right with this correction, almost all of my posts have this error. Doing check more than once, maybe solution for me next time. Thanks @steemcurator02, this is quite a valuable correction.

Good luck for the contest, and thanks for invite me...I know you ate the best creator content..👍👍

Terima kasih ibu sailawana.

Saya setuju bahwa Plagiarisme adalah perbuatan yang melanggar etika berkonten, dimanapun pasti akan mendapatkan teguran bahkan didiskualifikasi dari tempat tersebut,
Game diary memang yang terbanyak karena alasan yang telah anda sebutkan tadi,
Semoga anda sukses untuk kontesnya

terima kasih sudah memberikan tanggap kak liasteem, sukses juga untuk anda dan kontes yang anda ikuti.

Terimakasih atas dukungan nya pak

 2 years ago 

El juego del diario, es una dinámica que nos permite conocernos, cuando se tiene responsabilidad como moderador, aveces se hace un poco difícil, participar en diversos concursos, en diferentes comunidades.

La calidad de los comentarios, a mejorado un poco, eso es bien agradable cuando uno escribe y le dejan un buen comentario.

Saludos y mucho éxito.

Terima kasih sudah mengundang. Akan segera diusahakan untuk ikut....😊

Anda telah membagikan sesuatu yang luar biasa pak, sebagai junior memang sudah seharusnya menjadikan anda sebagai motivator saya di steemit, dan saya sangat setuju tentang apa yang anda katakan bahwa jika hobi sudaj di masukkan ke dalam konten, kolaborasi dan eskpekstasi yang di hasilkan dalam sebuah konten pasti akan sangat luar biasa

Sukses selalu pak😊💪

berdasarkan koreksi dari SC02 dan verifikasi komunitas, sepertinya saya ada di bawah anda bang chopper46. disinilah yang saya sebut kita harus belajar bersama, tidak ada yang benar benar baik dari kita. belajar bersama menuju hasil yang baik, merupakan sesuatu yang bagus untuk kita lakukan. terima kasih bang chopper atas komentarnya.

Ya saya setuju, tidak ada kata cukup untuk ilmu,, tuntulah ilmu dari ayunan sampai ke liang lahat, tergantung apa yang mau kita pelajari, apapun ceritanya agama tetap nomor satu,

Terima kasih juga atas tanggapannya🙏


I'm a little not too familiar with Crypto posts, this type of post I avoid a bit for me to publish

We seems to be in the same shoe sir. Because of lack of knowledge about crypto, i hardly participate in any contest in crypto Academy. As a matter of fact, i can't remember the last time i wrote crypto related contest

Iya memang benar, saya juga merasakan hal yang sama saat selesai membuat konten, yaitu bangga dan penuh kebahagiaan bisa membuat konten yang saya inginkan.

Saya juga membagikan tentang konten

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