Is He Qanon? Kim Dotcom Instrumental in War on Deep State

Considering the barrage of tweets laid down by Kim Dotcom on January 5th in this new year of 2019, I had to wonder if Kim Dotcom has been Qanon this entire time. Seems like if anyone would have insider information, well known hacker and entrepreneur Kim Dotcom seems to fit the bill. Now add to this both Kim Dotcom's and Donald Trump's hatred of the status quo hacks who have been profiteering from endless war and outsourcing manufacturing to China, and you can see why my hypothesis is that Kim Dotcom is Qanon.

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Also consider that both Donald Trump and Kim Dotcom are billionaires. And it leads me to speculate that perhaps in the month that Donald Trump spent in Scotland before announcing his bid for POTUS, that he may have met with Kim Dotcom in order to formulate a battle plan against what they knew was going to be a rough ride. As odd as Kim Dotcom being an ally of Trump seems, it's also possible that Kim Dotcom is even working with military intelligence.

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This speculation comes from the fact that White Hats in the US Military are noted as approaching Trump once they uncovered Hillary's plans to start World War 3. And, that war would have eliminated so many people that the Deep State could emerge from their bunkers to a ruined civilization and rebuild it in a fashion that most suited them. Which is why Hunger Games was made.

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This is the tweet that got my conspiracy gears turning.

As I've stated before, years ago, a Naval Intelligence man told me that his Commanding Officer told him that Hollywood is used to get people ready for things. Granted, since then I've come to learn that by "get ready" on the one hand, refers to a weird occult ritual where you are shown what is coming. And if you do not reject it, it allows the occult "spell" to manifest.

A wide shot from the Hunger Games film showing the city for the elites. Contrasting this with the worker class slow death villages in this film, many people agree this is the world Globalist want to rule. And it seems apparent that their immense bitterness and hatred of Trump is in part that he snatched it away from them at the last second.

Of the other hand, the idea that Hollywood "gets us ready for things", also manifests in positive ways. The film Powder for instance shows an interesting next level in human evolution. The Men Who Stare At Goats also delves in to human potential. And the elites who prosper by keeping people dumbed down and unaware have nothing to gain by letting people know of their limitless potential.

A scene from Men Who Stare At Goats was based on an actual US Army program that taught soldiers to develop the human mind.

Moving forward, you can see how the Deep State is out of options. I will restate, what I wrote in a previous blog, that there is evidence to suggest the Hawaii missile alert mistake was in fact a real attempt by the Deep State to start World War 3. And that the missile was shot down by one of the US Air Force's airborne laser systems housed in a Boeing 747. Kim Dotcom states in one of the above tweets about how "shareholders profit from war and chaos", mean to me that World War 3 would be amazing profit for the central banking elite who rule Earth with fiat currency, (which is also why blockchain crypto coins are being artificially limited). Regardless if my hypothesis is correct about Kim Dotcom being in cahoots with Trump or not, with heat being applied to Deep State, this is going to a the year for revelation. That along with the recent rise in cypto, and the "change" that Obama promised us all is ironically coming in 2019.

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