Mythological Creature #15
In Greek mythology chimera is a fire breathing creature who is said to live in lycia in small asia, if harits in greek means breathing creatures from tangerang. Chimera consists of several parts of the animal, the upper female lion, the tail snake and du vertebra there is a goat's head. Chimera himself descended from Typhon and Echidna, he is also the elder sister of cerberus and hydra.
Breed by Typhoeus and Echidna, Chimaera has 3 heads, namely lion, goat and snake. His body is also a mixture with the front of the lion, the middle of the goat, and the snake for the tail. He breathed fire. He ravaged Lycia, killed the cow and burned it until he was killed by Bellerophon.
The word chimera is used to describe mythological or fictional creatures with body parts taken from various types of animals. This word is used to explain imaginative and unreasonable concepts. The earliest Chimera appearance ever recorded is in the Iliad story. In medieval Christian art, chimeras are considered symbols of demonic powers.
This animal is usually shown as a female and as a figure that gave birth to the Sphinx and the Nemean lion. Chimera is the son of Typhon and Echidna and brother of monsters like Cerberus and Hydra. This feared monster is believed to be a sign of storms, sinking ships, and other natural disasters. This monster is known in his legendary battle with a Bellerophon (greek hero before the time of hercules) and Pegasus.
Many theories have sprung up on the origins of chimera, one of the most famous of those chimera kalo theories is the area of gas flame gasses that exist in the Lycian in southwest turki. This spray is called Yanartas (smoldering rock), consisting of 2 dozen holes that emit methane gas. In ancient times this burst was used as a guideline for the sailors.Find More This Kind of Story In @factsout
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