
Beautiful art& painting... thanks for sharing.



Haha, I love how the blonde hair kinda become the cheshire cat's goofy teeth

haha yeah, I played around with giving him teeth for a bit but it felt more natural without it (with her bangs) haha

Nice an colorful work. I wonder if your creative process is similar to mine. Although I believe I used more primitive means.

You've got yourself a new follower.

hahah thank you! what's your process like?

I basically draw with pencil on paper. Then I ink the drawing with a marker. I take photo of it. Then in a photo editor I convert it to line art to loose all shades of light from the picture. Then I colorize using masks, layers, etc. I don't own a scanner or a digitizing board.

oooh i see. that's one way to do it for sure. it's kind of like with a scanner i guess. i used to use scanners a lot -- a few times I took a picture and inked digitally from there

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