Steem is the long wait, the big grind and what not.

in #exyle6 years ago


Before Steemit I was never that interested in social media.

I had it all for a while, Facebook, Instagram, and even Snapchat but I hardly used any of it.

It got even worse when I discovered the Steem Blockchain.

It made it all seem even more pointless.

I realized quickly that on Steem I could help build toward something that would benefit me and others that believed in it. And even though it had every chance of failing it still made 100x more sense to do that than waste my time trying to fish for meaningless thumbs-ups.

But, alas, now that it's time to promote Steem to the world my lack of Social Media exposure is shockingly bad for promoting Steem.

I recently became active daily on Twitter to help raise Steem awareness. here.

I have 162 followers after 6 weeks. Most likely Steemians that know me :)

Hardly the exposure Steem needs.

I do enjoy it though. I must admit.

I'm doing this 77-day pushup challenge and when I have small thoughts about Steem or discover cool news facts I can just type it up and release it to the world.

It's fun in a way.

Today, I've been thinking a lot today about why the price of STEEM is lacking.

One thought that got in my head is that Steem simply does not have enough users yet.

With 50k active accounts that maybe need 100SP (for RC's) each to do all they want to do on the blockchain, there is a lot of liquid Steem out there waiting for users.

And unless the current active accounts want to get more 'involved' there is no reason for them to buy more STEEM.

You can't do more on the blockchain as a normal user if you own more STEEM, you just have more say and I guess not everyone cares about that.

For example: there are Steem Monsters players out there with thousands of dollars worth of cards but that only own the SP they need to interact with the blockchain to play the game.

I do believe ultimately the power is in the Dapps. When Steem Monsters, Steemhunt, and the others can increase their user base then all those new users will ultimately need STEEM.

Some of those users will most certainly want to get more involved.

But it all takes time as usual.

But this is not always easy especially when you feel that other blockchains are going up more in value compared to Steem even though there is so much value being created here.

I'm used to it.

Steem is the long wait, the big grind and what not.

I know one day it will not be but until then we can only do one thing.


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For example: there are Steem Monsters players out there with thousands of dollars worth of cards but that only own the SP they need to interact with the blockchain to play the game.

IMO this is fine because those thousands of dollars of cards are from money coming into the Steem ecosystem. Even if the players don't buy STEEM, we will need to buy STEEM to delegate to them so that they can keep playing and don't have to worry about RCs and SP and all that.

Money coming in to the Steem ecosystem is good in any form. Even if it all goes to a private organization like the ad revenue on goes to Steemit, Inc, that just leads to Steemit, Inc having more resources to build better products and improve the platform.

Well @exyle, I'll tell you that even when you come here with a lot of social media experience, it's not so easy to market Steem to people "on the outside."

First thing is, I can't just go out there and "market like a Steemian." What I have learned here in the past 2+ years is mostly irrelevant to the average social media user. Blockchain? Decentralized? Dapps? Cryptocurrency? Smart Contracts? They don't care.

I have to create a message — an appeal — that meets them where they are.

The second point is then that maybe I do have extensive social media accounts; Facebook groups I manage with 10,000+ members, a "page" with almost 20K "likes..." but they tend to be niche related.

"Become part of the Steem network!" is mostly a meaningless statement to them, unless I "package" the message in a niche context that means something to them. You don't go to the Chess Club and say "Come join my Knitting Circle!" It makes little sense, and it will just annoy people.

And if we just go out there and say "Make money on Steem!" we're simply recreating the same problem that brought thousands here... only to discover this was not "easy money," so now they have left and we have dead accounts.

There are typically TWO early stages to the development of a new idea: We've been through stage one where everyone flocks in to try to be an "early adopter." Now we've entered the building stage which is much slower, and requires much more patience...

Perhaps the thing we really need now is for the many (and growing) Dapps to put a little more effort into educating their particular "subgroups" about the greater Steem ecosystem. Don't have any specifics in mind... just thinking out loud.

There are typically TWO early stages to the development of a new idea: We've been through stage one where everyone flocks in to try to be an "early adopter." Now we've entered the building stage which is much slower, and requires much more patience...

100%. Whatever people say about Steem if you look properly you can see all the building blocks being put into place to make this place great.

It does take time and I guess it always goes slower than people like but it's there.

  1. The soon very cheap to run and scalable blockchain (MIRA).
  2. New onboarding ramps, through apps or paid services, to quickly get an account (with some delegation).
  3. More Dapps that offer fun (games, gambling, product hunting) besides the equally fun content creation.
  4. Apps that can sustain themselves by monetizing not the reward pool but by selling a product or incentivize users to watch advertisements for instance or that are able to add value to their own token. Crucial for businesses.

And more.

Besides this, thanks for your honest assessment of social media. I guess marketing Steem is not as easy as it seems.

But we will keep trying :)

man that’s the truth.

we can’t focus on what we cannot control. but we can build. we can grow the relationships. and we can be part of this amazing community.

buckle up and build. best advice we can all take. the ride will be long for sure but i think the end will be so worth it

Posted using Partiko iOS

Part of me hopes it is sooner rather than later. The other part of me doesn't want it to happen right away so that I can continue to build up my account. I have made a personal goal to become a dolphin by Thanksgiving of this year. I think it is attainable, but I am going to have to bust my butt between now and then. I was really interested in taking part in the crowdfunding campaign for Splinterlands, but I can't figure out how to get my hands on some SEED. I see I can get TRON on Binance by exchanging BTC, but then how do I get SEED?

Your telling me. Lol I am here for the long haul. Steemit is the future of blockchain social media!!

Posted using Partiko Android

It will be interesting to see where everything shakes out when the crypto market goes from speculative to the next stage where the value is derived from the project itself. I have a feeling that's when Steem will shine compared to other projects.

@steemit is an excellent platform, the problem is that many people have not even heard about @steemit! When I go to different types of events, I always promote @steemit everywhere that I go or visit, since I am a member of this amazing community. But again no one knows anything about it @steemit!?

I take me time and I explain how @steemit works. People who I explain how this amazing world works, they all get excited, I write my name or I give my business card with my name but when the time past they express that @steemit is too complicated for them, and also they spend many hours writing, taking pictures and write a blog and nothing happens?!

I love @steemit and take a little time learning how exactly works!

I think if everyone supports each other everything can be completely different. Like for example in Yelp they regard big accounts and at the same time, Yelp has an elite group, who write more reviews they recognize for their work, time, loyalty and effort.

I hope we have a better @steemit in the future, I will keep promote @steemit , and see what is the future to come. Hoping for the best! :)

Hi Mark! I was thinking the same thing today, Steem tends to lag behind before pumping but yeah, sometimes it's a little disappointing considering all the great dapps that have been developed during the last year and a half.

I am always looking for awesome dapps. Could you please let me know of some of the awesome ones you would recommend. I only recently discovered partiko and I truly enjoy it. Thanks.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah sure, take a look Steem Apps

Thanks for this treasure trove. I feel silly cause it was that simple. Lol.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, you're so right, it's all not that easy. How do you communicate the benefits of Steem to new potential users?

Censorship-resistance? If you happen not to be in China or Turkey or in another country that bans traditional social media, this may not be a relevant argument (even there it may not as long as people are using Steemconnect).

Make money by posting? How much money can you actually make? With what kind of content? As long as short-living content proportionally makes better rewards than evergreen content, who will put a lot of work into crafting great posts that generate long-term value?

So, on top of unclear benefits we ask people to wait for their account being created, deal with private keys and buy weird "tokens" and "stake" them before they can really do anything. Why aren't there more users?? :-D

I really like and appreciate Steem and the ecosystem, but unless there's a killer app that draws a lot of users from the outside, chances that STEEM has an overproportional run are rather slim.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for your nice comment.

I'm thinking, maybe it's not even about explaining the benefits at first, maybe it's just in building super user-friendly apps that you can use with one account name and key that people (and their friends/family) want to use.

The other benefits will follow naturally. Things like Digital ownership of goods (@steemmonsters), censorship resistance, a currency you can send between accounts within 3 seconds and tens of other reasons.

Yeah, combine that with simple and secure handling of keys and you've got it. What kind of thing would this be? A simple Twitter? A new Periscope to share moments? Ideally it would benefit from the fact that users can curate with their stake...

Posted using Partiko Android

Ohhh I love it all but it is taking me years of my life.. Lol I think I stress too much lol

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha! Soon I'll be entering my third year. Try not to stress too much, have more fun :)

Difficult to have fun when there are bills to pay lol 😂😂😂 but you know I always have fun uploading and coming up with stuff

Posted using Partiko Android

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