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RE: To vaccinate or not to vaccinate YOUR CHILD?

in #health8 years ago

@ugandakimlarsen Hi, many parents are confused whether or not to vaccinate as there is so much disagreement amount parents. Because of this, I myself have had to deal with this exact same issue with my two daughter when they were in elementary school. Both my kids were vaccinated up until grade 6. Then by chance I was scrolling through the Internet and discovered a whole host of parents who were paid money from the courts because their kids were vaccine injured. Millions of dollars were paid out to the families of these vaccine disable children. This peeked my interest so I researched further for a couple of more days. And to my shock, I read that vaccines were not as safe as the doctors and mainstream media keeps staring. The biggest concern of mine was the type of aluminum preservative, 'thimerasol' used inside these childhood vaccines as aluminum we all know damaged brain nerve endings in children and adults.

As my eldest daughter's school vaccine date got closer, I contacted the school nurse and asked the simple question, is there any thimerasol inside the vaccine to be given to my daughter's class? She said absolutely, 'no!' As these vaccines are administered differently as in groups. Confident with her reply as a person of medical authority, I hung up the phone.

My motherly instincts still kept tapping me on the head, telling me to check again. Later on that day, I got on my PC and googled 'Vaccine Lies'. My business instinct told me, a nurse works for an institution or a doctor's office. The doctor gets vaccines from a medical sales person who works for a big drug company. So that means that nurse is practically working for the drug company. If you were that nurse would you tell a parent that yes, there is thimerasol in the vaccinate, knowing full well the parent might reject the vaccination if they knew, most likely not.

So yes, I search for a long time and ran into testimonies from doctors stating that this aluminum preservative was in fact still used in all vaccines except that big drug companies knew that parents were finally catching on that the replaced it with another preservative that was equally dangerous. Other than that I cancelled her vaccination and guess what? The nurse sent letter asking me to have her vaccinated when I ignored her two letters she called me and made a threatening statement that if I didn't get my daughter vaccinated she may probably die. What theeeeee ... I told her no, that no one was going to threaten me to do anything to my daughter. In the U.S., if you don't already know, all children is the ward of the state meaning, you children do not belong to you. In my case, I do not live there, so for now we still are given the 'choice' whether we want to have Cancer causing vaccines injectef into our children or not.

So that you know most or all vaccines contain aluminum preservatives, cells from baby embryos, an enzyme that causes Cancer in the body by preventing it from absorbing vitamin D, so 'some' doctor have confirmed that vaccines cause the heads of babies to swell until the brain bleeds leading to the condition SIDS and also the aluminum causes Autism, detox the child and Autism disappears in those who's brains have not been permanently damaged the their vaccines. The big conspiracy is that Bill Gates' vaccine foundation is helping the rich elites like the Rothschilds, Clintons, Bushes to 'depopulate' the planet ( watch Bill Gates interview where he admits this) ... Why do you think American children are required to get vaccines for diseases that are not life threatening? Money and depopulation ... Like I tell many parents, you don't need to believe me, do your own research. To help you further understand why they want to increase childhood vaccines by many folds and why they want to take the guys away from American is the 'same' reason. The doctor's video on the 'Truth about Vaccines' I linked below, have a look if your children mean anything to you. No one should be forced to have their children undergo medical treatments that you believe will harm them. I wish you and your family well. 😊 ⬇️

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