We Need More People Like This

in #life6 years ago (edited)

This is going to be a little bit of a story time before I get to my point, bear with me. Yesterday evening I ordered myself a meal from McDonalds, because I had been graving junk food for a few days and finally caved in. I live in the city centre but because I'm a lazy motherfucker, I had the meal delivered to me at home. I ordered a Big Mac meal, Chicken Nuggets and a McFlurry, and like usually, I order orange juice instead of soda. I used the Wolt app to order my food, so I didn't have to communicate with anyone personally.

A little after my order went through, my phone rang. I kinda guessed it was McDonalds calling and saying that they don't have something I ordered. I didn't pick up because I hate talking to strangers on the phone, and I just figured that whatever, I'm not that picky, they'll replace it with something else, and so they did.

When I got my food, there was this note attached to it:


Translation of the note:

We are sorry but we don't have orange juice at the moment 😞 We tried to call you, and ask what you want instead. We gave you apple juice, hope that is okay. We'll have the orange juice in stock soon. Hope you enjoy your meal!
– Aada from McDonalds 😊 ❤️ 🍟

We need more sweethearts like Aada from McDonalds in the world! She didn't have to use her time at work to write a sweet note to me, she could have just replaced the orange juice with apple and call it a day. She also didn't have to give me an extra dip and a bottle of Raspberry Coca-Cola! Which btw, was surprisingly good!

She didn't do it because of business reasons or because McD needs to be extra nice to one customer, their business is so huge that even if they would be rude to half the customers, they'd still have a hugely successful business.

It's the little things people!

What Aada did over there, was out of being a nice person, and the extra stuff she put into my package, didn't cost the company more than a few cents, but it made me feel really good on a random Friday night. I love people who do nice little things for other people, just for the goodness of their heart. Not because someone told them to, or ask them to, but just because they felt like it.

It doesn't have to be a grand gesture to make someone feel good and special. Hold the door open, help someone with their groceries or give a stranger a compliment.

Do one little sweet thing for someone and you might just make their whole day!


We do, indeed, need more people like Aada. And more "moments" like the one you experienced because of that note. Because life ultimately is about moments. Moments are what we remember, years later. Sure, we enjoy having the Rolex, or the Gucci bag or something... but ten years later, we remember the moments.

Your story reminds me of a sweet young woman from Hawaii I casually got to know a bit as a result of her working at the local supermarket. Over a course of months, I noticed that whenever she handed change back to several elderly people, she "cradled" their hand gently in hers for a couple of seconds before moving on.

After some weeks of idle chit-chat, I mentioned that I had noticed that.

She smiled and said "They all live alone, and it's probably the ONLY physical touch they have in their lives."

A seemingly tiny thing, and yet a potential life changer. And another illustration of the importance of the "moments" we share, and how they linger. You see, I observed that young woman's acts of simply compassion 25 years ago, and I still remember.

Sorry I ended up blogging on your blog, but I felt the story was worth sharing.

Ended up here via @tarazkp, with whom you also shared a "moment," over a photograph....


That is a beautiful story, well worth sharing, so I don't mind at all :)

Talk about beautiful stories, Eve, I would like to introduce you to a young lady in Venezuela who has the courage to speak out about how her country evolved to such a state. The link below will take you to one of her revealing posts about her post-Chavez life. If you have the time please welcome her. Thanks! Chuck https://steemit.com/blog/@jenina619/miracles

She smiled and said "They all live alone, and it's probably the ONLY physical touch they have in their lives."

There are studies that back up her actions that also show that that small touch results in a better perceived shopping experience also. we are social creatures and until very recently, it was all face to face and personal.

Little things really do make a big difference. I'm sure I am like most and actually adjust where I do my shopping and eating based on how the people are at each place. I don't expect my ass kissed, but I do try to reward good, nice people with repeat business.
I'm happy to hear you had a good experience. Every story gives me more hope for the world!

They must have pretty good service on your local McDonalds too, judging on how much you buy coffee from there ;)

This is really sweet and good customer service 😊

your language looks like something created by Tolkien. But then again maybe you would have the same impression about lithuanian language.

But story was really awesome.

Quite the opposite ;) Didn't you know that Tolkien actually studied Kalevala, a Finnish national epic, when he wrote Lord of the Rings? He borrowed a lot of plot twists and took inspiration from the Finnish language, google it, there is a lot written about it.

Well that explains why hobbit / mr. Burglar nicknames suits you so well.

Disclaimer: tried it several times but could not read the whole book, I think at my best I got like third of the way in when I gave up.

I had to try multiple times both Game of thrones and Vikings tv series before I really got into them. I was enjoying them from the start but at the same time I wanted to do something else. Good/Bad habit of mine.

Wolt is hell of a great app for experimenting food from different restos!

There's this all-you-can-eat buffet in Tallinn called Best Pizza Buffet - they have the best retroburgers I've had yet, also a deal where you can get three 32cm diameter pizzas plus a 1.5l(?) bottle of coke for around 19€.

But that's not all! They always draw on your pizza boxes and plastic bags - add a personalized "enjoy your time of day" kind of messages, flowers, tree leaves, etc.

I think that's really cute and always makes me smile!

Oops, this sounded a lot like an advertisement. Nobody paid me to say this!!!

I love little things like that, and I loved doing that when I worked at a fast food type of joint at one point. I recognised some people by their order and wrote something on the boxes. But I sadly I can’t draw to save my life!

completely agree and omg, ordering a maccys via app to the flat? amazeballs.

You have no idea how hard it is to resist these temptations! Had to come to the countryside where the nearest store is 20 kilometers away.

i can well imagine! yeah countryside has perks

Wow, having McDonalds food delivered to your home. I really didn't know that was possible. Ok, I haven't been to McDonalds in ages. Did I miss anything besided the delivery part?
You are absoutely right, we need more people like Ada.

I hardly ever eat McDonalds so I don’t know if something is new compared to when you last had it. And if I’m not mistaken, McD is a little different in every country.

Great story Eveliina!... and yes, we need more people like Aada!

Big Plastic Hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

P.S. I'm missing a postcard from Finland ;-)

I don’t even send postcards to real people!

Oh... I was hoping to receive a nice message from you... like Aada's message :-(

No problem... I will order something at McDonald's... let's see what happens here in Switzerland ;-)

Nice story
Sweet girl
Apple Juice Rocks. Ha ha

Especially if you to lazy to get it your self

Great post
Have a great weekend

Posted using Partiko Android

How much did they charge for the delivery?

Wolt always charges 3.90€ and I think Foodora is the same price.

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