This is why we don't trust the media

in #discussion6 years ago

Three asteroids will fly dangerously close to Earth this weekend, NASA warns...

if you read the article, hard to do with all the pop-ups and ads so very few people do, they just see the scary headline, you'll see that the closest any of the three asteroids will approach earth is almost as far away as the moon.

That's hardly close.

The other three will be much farther away. One almost a million miles and the other OVER a million miles away.

Who in their right mind would call that "dangerously close."

as a result
Americans' Trust in Media Remains at Historical Low

rightfully so.

The Media really ARE the enemy of the people


I think in the astro-realm, they call it close, as these objects may be travelling at very fast speeds (relatively to us). So something far away (millions of miles) may still be too close if the dang object is travelling fast.... like if it could reach us in a few months, its considered fast.. and dangerously close?)

anyways, most of the space moving objects are probably classified (alien life, space ships etc?)

There are so many fake news (or at least some that tries to obfuscate what is real). Like future people visiting us- and post on youtube? haha

why didn't I ever have a school teacher who looked like that?

I did! , and to make it even worse, it was french...and She spoke french all lesson (and had a sexy voice too!) can only imagine me as a 14 year old.... I tried to sit at the back of class....

God no.
It was torture, for twice a week, for just over an hour each time...for 2 years!!!

(it does explain my fixation with the blonde babe, in games of thrones though...mmmm. There is a similarity...never thought of that before...more mmm's)

torture..such sweet..sweet torture.

I did, but due to teacher dress codes they just couldn't flaunt it. I was into prevention of wet dreams back then. Still am! : )

my french teacher wore figure hugging jersey material dresses...oh god....brb... lol

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