If you were took take all of the money away from the top 1%
and equally distribute it among the entire population
In a very few years the 1% would have it back again.
'a fool and his money are soon parted..'.
Every seen how many lotto winners are broke again within ten years?
or pro athletes!
that being the case...those folks who are whining about 'income inequality'.
and most especially 'wealth inequality'
are full of beans.
Apparently the person below is either for or against "income inequality". It is like a bot that doesn't know what stream of thought programming to follow.
a lot of times I wonder if they're bots...or just someone who has trouble with engritch.
This guy is full of shit as well, he talks about income inequality.
Why you mad? because some covetous greedy people strike it rich after spending thousands and then blow it all? easy come easy go old man.
TED talks lean mostly to one belief.
When a man did a presentation that showed by examples that having large herd animals would green desert areas. There wasn' t much response to his presentation other than disbelief.
And? Tie that into this one, people's disbelief, tied into the full of shit Nick or his presentation.
That actual reality is reality verses socialist hopes and dreams.
O really, I like how your circular logic takes precedence over what you call "hopes and dreams", instead of actually inviting some conversation by extending at least the illusion of being reasonable. After all, you did begin with such a poignant and specific thing, how else could you conclude such revealing observation on Ted videos, which makes such an illustrative contrast of the actual reality is reality versus socialist hopes and dreams, which has everything to do with what I presented of course, TAXING the rich? OUTRAGEOUS! THEFT!(hats off to reason, reasonable, logic and sensibility, hence when you read Ben Franklin's thoughts, you can proudly call yourself savage, not only because it's such a cool word and know that you can wear it and still defend the rich and very rich from taxes in argumentative efforts that it hurts the incentive to be rich and very rich and people will not innovate and invent ( ahahahah, slaps knee, scuze me kind sirs) as if inovation and invention began with profit or profit itself wasn't used to both limit and control both invention and inovation, and it's all fair in capitalism, biggest monopoly wins?, har har har, sensebilities again.
Tell me how that Planned Obscelence tastes or that ever inflation or the fact that percieved obscelence and Monopoly chockehold on the world stops you from having any value from a car you drove off the lot the moment you took it off the lot depreciating at rates that imply the car was worth closer to a tenth that price, after production costs and marketing and the doubled tirpple dipping between regulators and the banks who finance the loans with the people's credit (try to say that in a Capitalistic society, they will laugh you out: The People's Credit of
ChinaAmerica, where the car company cannot fails.I do believe that the people who forced the 1% to give it away would end up as the new 1%, because those that allowed it to be taken away in the first place were the bigger fools.
it was a thought experiment.
like socialism
neither could ever happen successfully in reality.
It wasn't any thought to it, it was only a senseless jib that blind fools don't see for a jib at greedy people.
You ought to tell Benjamin Franklin, the genius that was behind the most prosperous time in the history of the world because of his FIAT money that said :
har har har har har, you mean some people will covet money in excess like a greedy asshole? Nah, only that poor people are fools, thanks good joke boss.
But at least for a short time,a lot of people would eat and have a house/shelter.
like to see what really would happen! I bet it would make the world a better place! more people would be able to afford to relax,and see the problems that need solved,and not be living in stress/fear .They would be able to take some time and help. wage slave do not have that choice...
You're not listening are you?

but never fear...the rich are getting richer..true..but they're enriching everyone else while they're doing it.
the poor are getting richer too
do you REALLY want to negate all the progress and start back at square one?
It's only the middle class that is getting squeezed.
lookit what happened when taxes were decreased
Yeah... I'm in that sweet spot where I didn't get any change. However, my health insurance costs did go down to believably too high from unbelievably too high.
still high?
The affordable health care act?