Half the results published in peer-reviewed scientific journals

in #commentary6 years ago

are probably wrong

Which makes the statements The Science is settled and 97% of Scientists believe even more ridiculous.

  • researchers have confirmed by trying—and often failing—to reproduce many influential journal articles. Slowly, scientists are internalizing the lessons of this irreproducibility crisis. But what about government, which has been making policy for generations without confirming that the science behind it is valid?

What ABOUT Government? Government is insane. It's irrational and despoils anything that it touches.

  • The biggest newsmakers in the crisis have involved psychology.

Psychology (and all the socalled 'social sciences') were called 'soft science' for a reason.
Soft in the head perhaps? Or merely fake news?


All my life I have watched the scientific community fame-whore of each other under the disguise of peer review. They have their own little cliques that they maintain very viciously.
No wander the private companies just started to hire from wherever they could get their hands on the talent.
The private corporations are just interested in making money. If they find the talent in schools or even art university , they pick them up and train them in their theater.
The best PhD's are the ones done in the industry not in the university. Unless they have collaboration with the university, then that changes it a bit.
Anybody is free to argue but that's my observation.

the smart kids go to work for private industry.
that might have something to do with it.

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