Code of ethics

in #discussion6 years ago (edited)

doesn't influence decisions of software developers
Is that why Google dropped 'do no evil' as it's motto?

Responding to leaks, Google denies political bias

oddly enough this article has been deleted...which kind of supports the contention that google (and the enemy of the people) is politically biased

From DuckDuckGo

"Fu*k. You. All. To. Hell": Google Exec Threatens GOP Over ...

this one too

From DuckDuckGo

in related news.

Media Researcher Says Google's Alleged Bias Against Conservatives ...

and this one is gone as well.
Google..the enemy of the people.


Yeah I've seen a lot of ppl making this argument about company "x" has a "code of ethics" (COE), and it makes me chuckle. All this came about when Linux was considering making their own then this whole battle started. To me a code of ethics is like one of those neat signs that state a gun free zone to a criminal. Criminals will be criminals regardless of codes or signs....

if an organization NEEDS a code of ethics it's an indication of what kind of people they are.

Makes you wonder if they even interview their employs on "ethics," or if they assume they will behave because a piece of paper says they must.

Good point, never even thought of it that way lol!

Thank you.
I wonder how that happened?
I tested them before I posted.

Yeah, I couldn't rightly say how. Seems the app
or interface is cutting off characters. It might
even be at a specific number of characters.

or it MIGHT be
...........drum roll............
google being EVIL

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