We all need a Companion

in #companionship7 years ago (edited)

God is wise.......

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I mean, he knew that Adam, despite having everything at his disposal, needed a companion, that was why he created of a woman, Eve, with the sole aim of keeping him company. Please note that Adam was  fundamentally different from all the animals that God created, which is why none of them were suitable as companions for Adam. 

God said, 

“It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” 

Also, of all the marvelous things and animals God created, Adam found his likeness in Eve. He treasured her company beyond measures. If God had created Eve first, the same would apply. He would create an Adam to complete and compliment her. 

My point of view: if Someone wants you to believe that you can do without a man or woman companion in your life, Just know that such a person is an incredible liar, seeking to recruit companions to join him/her in their delusional and miserable state. 

They will always say......  We were born into this world alone and we will surely die alone, so why are you so eager to seek a companion in this life?  

Well, this great quote said that...

  "With fools, there is no companionship. Rather than to live with men who are selfish, vain, quarrelsome, and obstinate, let a man walk alone" - Buddha  


Thus we all have the need to love and be loved, which contributes to the need for companionship.  

The need for companionship is very human, very normal and very necessary, that's a fact. 

It gives us an emotional balance and allows us to enjoy life. It is also in our DNA, so denying that we need others is not facing reality.  Because............

  “To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with.” - Mark Twain  
 “Those who have never known the deep intimacy and the intense  companionship of happy mutual love have missed the best thing that life  has to give.” - Bertrand Russell 



It is also important to remember that, unless you really and truly love yourself and you are comfortable with what and who you are, it will be extremely difficult to appreciate, love  and accept an individual as your companion.  



Companionship is sweet when you are with the right ones.
Very beautiful piece

This is good. I like it. We need each other to survive.

I love this

Yes I agree , we need one another!!!! good one.

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