**Near Death Experience(SWC)**

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians this is my own story for the Supernatural writing contest organized by @jerrybanfield

The 21st Of December, 2011 is a day I can't forget in my lifetime, why because I had a face to face encounter with death in an accident which would have taken my life at a young age, that of my only brother, my sister @celineaugustinee, my two junior sister, and my precious mum whom was already suffering from Arthritis😖😥😞.

We lived in the Northern part of Nigeria, Adamawa state, Dad worked in the southern part of Nigeria, Rivers state. My most elder sister was rounding up from school at the eastern part of Nigeria, Dad and most elder sister didn't embark on this journey with us because the jeep would not contain all the nine of us, including our load they were to journey much later from Rivers state together. If we had died in that accident, they would have been all alone and depressed for a lifetime😞😭😩.

This accident happened exactly one month after I celebrated my 15th birthday on the 22nd Of November, 2011. In November I was also excited about the news of my admission into Pharmacy school, University Of Port Harcourt I was going to study the course of my dreams if I had lost my life it wouldn't have been possible, today I am a Pharmacist🙌💖💓💖.

It was a sunny Monday on the 21st Of December, I ironed my favorite gown and helped Mum and my siblings in bringing out the items for our journey to the village for the festive season, it was just 4days to Christmas. We all were excited that we were going to my Mums village at Ngor Okpala, Owerri Imo state we always loved going to our maternal side for the Christmas and New year celebration because we love our grandparents so much, my grandfather from my mums side is the oldest man in his village and we always learnt so many things from whenever we visited him, his wife died at a very young age leaving my mum motherless 😖 and with so much responsibilities, after so many years we had a step grandmother who later became blind as a result of cataract.

It was going to be quite a long journey though we loved it, getting all set to travel for the village that morning my mum was done preparing a decent meal for us in case we get hungry on the way. She prepared Jellof rice and chicken for us and stored in a food flask.

Our drivers name was Musa, he was recommended to my Mum as one of the most professional driver around town so he was to take us to the village, my mum would have drove us but remember she didn't have a fit leg then. Musa helped us pack our things neatly into Dads black Honda Pilot Jeep.

I was deeply in love with this car😍 as it was a gift given to my Dad by one of his friend's as a gift showing his gratitude towards their friendship and everything for some years now so we travelled with the best car in Dad's garage

Something strange began to happen, the last child of the family called my mum and told her she wasn't too comfortable about something 😩, mum asked what exactly she wasn't too comfortable about, Grace replied Mum, "God told me we're going to have an accident Mum, I am scared lets pray very hard to avert what the devil is planning against the family".

Mum is an Evangelist and a Historian by Profession, so on hearing this Mum called on all of us, the girls covered their heads in prayers, the driver and big brother were there as well. Mum led the prayers, we prayed for a successful journey without an accident we covered ourselves with the precious blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ, we cried unto God that we journeyed safely and that He spared our lives from any form of accident and finally anointed ourselves 💛.

We rounded up the prayers and were set for the journey, I picked the back seat of the Jeep and was all alone at the back, Mum and the 3 of my sisters sat in front of me, while my bro sat on the seat beside the driver.
All set for the journey, luggage's were packed at the boot of the jeep and some beside me at the back seat, the meal for the journey and drinks were in the car as well. Big bro put on His seat belt and so did the driver do, before Musa started the engine, Mum insisted we say a word of prayer again.

We did and then my Mum got a call from her junior sister who also planned on leaving to the village on the same day with us, pleaded with my Mum that her Husband followed our driver behind as he wasn't conversant with the road leading to his wife's village anymore from the North, so we waited an extra time for them and walla in the next 10minute's the came and our journey started.

We were still in Adamawa state as we journeyed, but then a distress call came in😞, Musas mother was calling, He picked up his phone and answered, the words he heard was Musa, our Father just passed away He is dead, oh my goodness this was a terrible news for Musa, for us and the journey was at stake from that instant 😭.
Mum asked what the matter was and he gave her the shocking news.
Mum instantly told him to stop the car, we were going back to Adamawa state he wouldn't be able to concentrate on the wheels while driving, Musa smiled and said Madam God giveth God taketh we must get to our destination today, Mum hushed him and we all gave him our condolence on his Father's death, Musa seemed not to have been affected so much from the news at that instant and it got me worried.

We all persuaded him to give Mum the keys so she drives us back home since we weren't far from where we lived, Musa refused and said He is man enough to control his emotions and we should continue the journey, we pleaded and pleaded but Musa kept refusing, this made all of us sad and mum wasn't in a good mood anymore.

I suffer from motion sickness while travelling long distances, so most times I don't fancy travelling because of this condition. Motion sickness actually makes you feel so uncomfortable, you begin to feel like throwing up, feeling very uneasy, sweating profusely(cold sweat), and sometimes feel lightheaded and have a headache.

Musa, the driver started playing very lively songs while we journeyed for almost two hours already, the discomfort of motion sickness started, I begged Mum to pass me a hand fan from her bag,
note that the car had a functioning air condition which was on and reaching everyone goodness I was still sweating, I fanned myself but it seemed I wasn't getting any better, I had to tap mum to please open the car windows, I needed to change my sitting position to get to breath fresh air, I closed my eyes and began to breath slowly and placed a focus on my breathing.

The driver stopped the car for all this to happen, I exchanged seats with Celine and she is quite a tall lady and I am quite short.
This very act of changing seat with my sister if the negative had happen, because of my shortness I would have been thrown off of the car due to the impact of the collision, it was like exchanging the first or second life that would have been lost after that of the driver, Musa.

As we journeyed we stopped to have lunch, we all ate to our satisfaction but the driver refused eating rice, he said he would prefer eating garri and soup so mum gave him some money to go and eat at a nearby restaurant. After eating we rested for a while and continued our journey, I began to sleep immediately, my immediate junior sister as well slept. Gosh I was so satisfied 😎.

After journeying for almost three hours after eating, we were at Benue state and this was where the tragedy happened, there was an upcoming DAF trailer this trailer was fully loaded with almost a thousand bags of flour, it wasn't a busy road the DAF Trailer was coming with an outrageous and scary speed, mum alerted Musa please my son be careful of that trailer but he tried his best to dodge this trailer the head on collision this trailer had with us took us straight to the air, the door at my side due to the impact flung open immediately and went off, Jesus I knew I was dead already our jeep summer-saulted in the air for almost a long while, mum kept on crying to God to save and spare our lives I was scared I was going to fly out from the doorless side of the car I held the drivers seat so tight in tears and fear, my sister at the back was praying with a loud voice to God, God please save my family don't let us perish, Mum cried and prayed as we were still in the air it was as though this wasn't going to end until finally the car crashed down and everywhere was smoky the car was about to go in flames, then ran into a bush, downwards was a deep an almost empty space, but the car was held and firmly gripped by a wedge. While we were up it was as though we were covered in a spiritual hedge that prevented any from flying out of the car.

This is how bad Dad's new car got after the accident, God saved us from this bad accident steemians.
Picture of Dad's Pilot Jeep
Dad's Jeep

I saw fresh blood all over my favorite gown I wore, I saw so many glasses pierced into my junior sisters forehead and close to her eye, I saw the drivers head split almost open his head was down on the steering, I saw an airbag protecting my brother, I saw my mum in tears and confusion.

I write all this in tears, my handkerchief all soaked remembering all this and putting this piece down is so difficult but everything ended in praise guys.

The devil was put to an outright shame, my mum was to jump down into a ditch she couldn't even do that as she was still in a deep shock my brother begged and pleaded for her to jump out so we could follow as well, the driver Musa couldn't move anymore with so much blood pumping out of his head the car was filled with blood, we hurriedly jumped down one after the other, as we succeeded in finding our way to the surface we saw a huge crowd of villagers, as we passed them they kept asking if we were ghost or humans, some children and adults even ran away for their lives thinking they saw a ghost, but when most villagers saw that we survived and could walk and some were injured, some women also began to call out to other villagers pointing towards us, some were jumping, some were dancing, some sang songs of praises and most cried pointing towards the scattered bodies of the three young men who were in the DAF trailer, the road was littered with the bags of flour the carried, their body parts were scattered on the road, their heads severed from their bodies.

God I couldn't believe you rescued I and my family from death, lot of villagers began glorifying God on our behalf, people who didn't believe in the power of God gave their lives to Christ, bike men offered to rush Musa, my junior sister, Mum and driver to the nearest hospital...
This is the picture of the DAF Trailer
Picture of the DAF Trailer

But friends do you know that none of our properties was damaged, our lives were spared, even the driver though was hospitalized for days didn't believe hd would make it.
My mum called my Dad first and told him what happened my Dad was in shock over the phone and couldn't believe his ears, he was to come join us from Port Harcourt that same day, he booked an additional bus that would help transport our things to the village, but the saddest of all this was when my mum called her sister and husband that even drove far ahead of us when he was familiar with that part of the road, they rushed back to the accident scene but all his children could utter was thank God they now have the same number of cars as us.
I was so heart broken hearing this from them, double pain and injury struck deep into my heart, I couldn't believe they rejoiced over we loosing Dad's New Pilot Jeep, I knew they never loved us since then but wanted our downfall.
The family forgave them for making this utterance

But God is still God, He protected us, imagine a common jeep having a head on collision with a trailer,this can be compared to the story of David and Goliath, the giant vehicle was what crashed and they passengers all died at the spot. But God saved us from this accident and since then I've been ever grateful to God for how he rescued us.

Musa was responding quickly to treatment, my Mum as well was getting better,the glasses that pierced my sisters face was successfully removed. It wasn't an easy Christmas, the blood stains couldn't remove from my favorite gown I tried all my best to scrub it out but didn't wash out, hence all the beautiful memories of that cloth became an ugly one, I lost my favorite gown and had to burn it so I wouldn't be reminded of the memories.

I thank God for been a beautiful Savior, He answered our prayer's and gave us life in abundance.
I saw my grandparents in good health, and till date I and my family are a living testimony.

This is my Near Death Experience but I'm grateful to God that He kept me and not only me everyone that was in that vehicle.

Thanks for reading through, greater is the one who lives in me, greater is the love of Jesus. I hope you were blessed and touched, please do join this contest. God has the power to save and deliver 💖💛💖.
This is the most powerful story in my lifetime.

To God Be The Glory😇😇

I believe in miracles

I'm saved


Hey @eunireal1 I am a curator from the Whaleshares Curation Team. I have selected your post to be presented in a live curation discussion on Monday 29th January. Your post will be awarded with a 100 Whaleshares vote on the night. I do hope you can come along and spectate. The event will be held in The Curation Lounge on the Whaleshares server. Here's a link which explains things: https://steemit.com/steemit/@nikflossus/the-13th-whaleshares-curation-show-featuring-patricklancaster-tomorrow-night

I'm glad I've been invited and my post selected to be awarded whaleshare, would likewise love to listen to the guest speaker @patricklancaster and learn more. Thank you richly for passing this information across💌💌

Your story is so touchy...i nearly cried while reading it. All thanks to the almighty that you are saved. Kudos

@setapart seriously I am dumbfounded at the mercy and grace God Almighty showed me, Eyes have not seen neither has ear heard what the Lord has in store for us. I bless Him for counting me worthy to be alive and not forsaking me when we called upon His name.

Thank you very much @eunireal1 for writing this story and submitting it to the SWC. I will send a bid to the bot for your upvote.

Oh my word, oh my goodness😱😱 this is for real. I am utterly displaced by the massive upvote Sir @gmichelbkk. I can't believe my eyes Sir, I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I definitely wasn't expecting this much love and affection, this is unbelievable but yet so real. I ask from God that you be blessed beyond all measures. Thanks, thanks, thanks and thanks again Boss @gmichelbkk, you made my month. I love you😭😭😭😭😭

My pleasure. You put a lot of effort in this story and it was great to read! You deserve it.

I am so glad you saw beyond everything to appreciate me this way, I promise you your cup would never be dry, your coast shall be enlarged and you shall reap exceedingly and abundantly this year. I love you @gmichelbkk, thanks , thanks and thanks a million for making me smile.

It's the grace of God at work when is not your time don't worry you will be amazed like you will not believe how it happened. Just believe God is at work here. Thank God you and your family.

God truly is the potter an d I d clay, hence I have surrendered myself all to Him to make me as He wish, everything revolves around Him.

namesake! to have escaped this fatality? you are a living testimony dear.

@Kivar dear truly men may not understand how far God has brought me and my family. I am really a living testimony.

hank God for you sister

Only God can do this!!!!!!!

Only God can do this great and mighty impossibility. We cannot thank Him enough for saving us this way. I am really happy been alive and able to serve Him for the rest of my life.

To think that l lost a friend to an accident right on campus many years ago gives me more reason to appreciate God for your life!

Thanks dearie, God knows how I cry for His sufficiency after all that happened. His Love is Excess.

wow! This is so touching. You’ve been given another chance at life. So make it count.
You’re writing skills is superb but try and work on your styling. Good luck in your contest.

Definitely we all are gonna be good at this styling skill someday. Thanks so much for your goodluck wishes. God gave me another chance and I am not letting Him down, never ever.

Praise God, that is amazing story! Thank you for sharing it with us and I hope you continue to share more of your life with us!

@kubbyelizabeth dearie this is my greatest testimony, God looked at an unfaithful me and surrounded me with His love not withstanding my filthiness. M forever indebted to His Love.

My goodness brother, this post is giving me chills down my spine. When I see the first picture I could not think about all what happened after.

I flipped my car upside down a couple months ago, and that was already surreal. This must haunt you here and there during the nights I can imagine

I thank God for been God dear, He saves I have made up my mind to give Him my heart for the rest of my life. I am really persuading that neither death nor life can separate me from the love of Christ.

This is nicely written. Some people celebrate our misfortunes but above all lives preserved!

It was really heartbreaking seeing my cousins happy over this accident. Bt the devil would always be put to shame, life first before anything else, God gave us life and I mean life in abundance.

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