What is the Best and Easiest way to Find a Job?

in Steem4Professionals3 months ago (edited)
What is Job
Job is a legitimate responsibility or task one is paid to carry out. It can be permanent or temporal engagement by an institution in exchange for payment and other incentives.
Are you ever looking for a job
My own case was kind of different from the usual scenario of getting a job, because I didn't apply for any job. The first job I had was through recommendation, immediately I completed my college education, my form teacher asked me if I would like to teach and I said yes I will love to, he recommended me to one of his friends who was looking for teachers, then I was asked to undergo teachers training that lasted for some weeks and after that I started teaching basic two and three. That was how I was first employed.
What is the easiest way to get a job
https://pixabay.com/illustrations/show-isolated-business-jobs-door-3177180/ The following are the easiest ways one can secure a job; Firstly, being Skillful: To be skilled is to be well versed in your field of study or in your endeavor. I personally believe that if you have the techniques and capacity to do anything as concerned your career you won't find it difficult to secure a job, as a matter of fact you will be faced with many offers to choose from if you are good. For a example a doctor who is skilled in his field will not move from one place to another looking for patients, he might find it difficult in the beginning but once people get to know about him and the testimonies people are sharing about his outstanding performance, he will be sought after. The bottom line as concern this is everyone that wants jobs to be looking for him or her should do everything within their power to be excellent in their various fields.Secondly, through recommendation: This channel works through human connection, that is getting a job through the people you know or those that are related to you that are highly placed in an organization or firm. This is one of the easiest ways to secure a job although some time it comes with bribing of all sort.Thirdly, through Social Media: Internet has made it so easy to get a job from the comfort of your house. With the aid of technology different Companies do their advert through various social media handles which has made the people have access to various job opportunities. In the time past people have to move from one city to another in search of jobs but now it is quiet easy to get a job without much stress with the internet. https://pixabay.com/photos/application-online-job-application-2860019/
How Difficult Is It To Get A Job? And What Makes It Difficult?
It's not hard to get a job, it depends on the people in question in search of job opportunities. Why I said so is because some people want to be employed but they fail to possess the requisite for the proposed job. There are people that cannot still operate a computer even in this digital age feeling that they will not have need of the knowledge especially when their fields has little or nothing to do with computer. I was told a true life story of a man who went to apply for a teaching job in one of the private secondary schools in Rivers state, Nigeria. After a while he was called for an interview which he went and after the whole process he was asked by the interviewer to save the document, unfortunately he never knew how to save a document on the computer, he pleaded with the man to help him but the man refused, telling him that it was part of the interview and that was how he lost the job although he was very good in science subjects. For some is lack of integrity in their business engagement and many other factors.
What Can Be Done If You Can't Find Job?
This is where self employment comes in, people who can't find a job can use their God's given talent to create things that will not only put food on their table but can cause a global impact. Some people make use of internet to create jobs for themselves such as content creating, Forex trading, affiliate marketing, copy writing, summarizing books on the Amazon, dry cleaning, running a restaurant and others, so numerous to mention. Many people who go into the above businesses make money more than salary earners. My candid advice for those who are jobless; If you can't find a job create one, If you have gotten a job ensures that you are updated with the current information about the field to remain relevance and indispensable.

I invite @uduak01, @bossj23 and @dirapa to this contest.

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