Sublinear rewards @ Drugwars

in #economic-incentives5 years ago (edited)

Back then Steem had superlinear rewards. Today, it's linear. It has been suggested that we go sublinear, which I think is a terribly bad idea because of sybils. If you want to take a look at how sublinear works, just look at the Drugwars economy, as already explained in my main account's blog post a week or two ago. I thought it was gonna get fixed since it's so obvious, and I didn't want to go into the same debate again and talk in circles like with Steem's econs.


Very interesting indeed how Drugwars created the economy foundations. I've read from several tiny investors in Drugwars, they already earned their investment back. I invested a tiny bit more (around 60 Steem) and am close to ROI, while I mostly concentrated on gettting the daily productions as high as possible aiming at Alcohol and Weapons and once so often used Heist. Recently we also noticed a reduction in total Steem in the reward pool, and the shift from daily production to moving produced Drugs into Heist. I've also read statements of one of the top 3 players, he is in Drugwars not for the game, but for the money, solely for the money. While he invested maybe 5k/6k Steem, he will face a longer time for ROI then I. Since I do not necesarily believe in the long term of Drugwars economic system, I didn't decide to invest that much money. Actually, with the recent changes, it is questionable how long the game will survive. Anyway, sub-liniair is a problem as is the reason of some of the players (investors rather than players). I actually think, Steem should not be earned through production and heist, I think Steem shouldh've been earned through reaching certain more complex gaming goals. Since Steem earning is so easy, it'll attract more users, with (most of) them thinking they can earn extra Steem. That in itself is good for the uptake of the service. But when the intentions of the users are different to being a real game player, than it is questionable if such uptake is wanted. The other reason for the way they started the economics could be for the creators to earn as much as possible Steem in the first days and weeks; This may not be true, but it could be. Than also, the economics they implemented support that unlike implementing more complex gaming goals to earn Steem.

Anyway, I actually think that super-liniair, liniair, and sub-liniair are all possible, all have their advantages, all have their disadvantages. I actually think, for a community like Steemit or game like Drugwars to work, rewards shall not be direct, but somehow indirect, not easy to get for anybody, but complex to get for everybody whether having lots of power and/or money or not.

All these initiatives shows me one thing: when money is at play, the abuse in whatever form will come in quickly, and before we know it, the abuse is at such levels the service and user experience itself is not good enough anymore for those users with the right intentions and most of these users will leave.

Ponzi scheme was used around Drugwars. Maybe this is the same for most of the crypto based services? The early investors and some of the abusers seem to profit the most.

To still try and keep the service running: What then happens is that some of the wealthy users are helping the poor, while most of the wealthy users are enriching themselves resulting in the fact that a few rich users will become not only in absolute terms but also in relative terms even more rich. Very similar to the real/fiat world in which I can't see we are getting out of, unless the whole financial system collapses and we collectively come to our senses and adopt a kinda Budhistic mental state in which we like to help others, before we help ourselves and a Socialistic (maybe even marxistic) mental state in which we believe we shall create a society on equal terms (communism showed it is not easy, maybe even impossible).

While the idea of crypto currencies is great; It is questionable how this can be implemented in the way it was originally sold to us; And it is even more questionable how services can benefit from direct money rewards controlled by algorithms and people (abusers mostly).

Oh well i got into it knowing it's first and foremost a game that might come with really bad econs.. so i just paid however much i felt it could be worth the most to me as a game..

That is the best approach, as I did as well :)

I did notice that any account was able to earn rewards in the beginning without any investment. Figured it was ripe for abuse from people with 1k+ accounts. Not sure what they're planning to do with it.

This game would be perfectly fine with linear econs for the upgrades / rewards..

It's built in. It encourages users to keep spending, in order for the daily rewards to keep flowing in, definitely not an oversight.

Whether users spend all their steem on the same account, or start new accounts is completely up to them, as long as they keep spending.

The problem is the upgrades / rewards curve..

!bookkeeping drugwars

Hi @etherpunk!



  • 104.572 STEEM from daily
  • 53.002 STEEM from heist
  • 7.686 STEEM from referral


  • 503.418 STEEM


  • -338.158 STEEM

First transfer was before 20.98 days.
Your ROI per day is 1.56 % and you are earning approx. 7.88 STEEM per day.
Break even in approx. 42.9 days.

indeed sublinear sometimes makes me not understand, I will try to understand about drugwars, maybe this is more effective to learn, your post is very interesting

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