Clif High: Webbot -- 16 July 2017 Various Topics Including Cryptocurrencies

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Clif gives us an update from his mobile recording studio, EM50, about various topics including what he is doing and crypto's like Populous.


  • Moving -- Clif is moving -- this is affecting his ability to do his normal analysis;
  • Small update in August;
  • ALTA report possibly in September;
  • Populous (PPT) token;
  • Video theft on YouTube and how Clif will deal with it -- preventing other people from incorporating his videos on their channel;
  • Clif's approach to his future videos to prevent theft -- you will need Clif's plugin to view his videos;
  • Clif's plugin will be downloadable from Clif's website;
  • Cryptos -- CHILL!!, cryptos will recover -- Clif forecasted it would be a volatile summer -- crocodile teeth;
  • Tone Vays (sp?) has done well charting cryptos;
  • Clif has new server equipment;
  • $2,888 USD predicted for BTC in late August (~24 August);
  • A nice jump up in September;
  • Veritaseum;
  • If you haven't live through one BTC crash then you're not a Bitcoiner;
  • and more..

27 minute video by clif high published 16 July 2017


Clif High's YouTube channel: Clif High
Clif High's website: Half Past Human

I am not affiliated with the "HalfPastHuman", other than being a fan and avid follower of Clif's work.
The purpose of this post is to raise awareness of the "HalfPastHuman", give Clif's work a wider audience, and direct traffic to his YouTube channel.
If you liked this video, please subscribe to Clif's YouTube Channel,Clif High, for more videos and updates.

ALTA (webbot) Reports are available for purchase from Clif's website, Half Past Human for a modest price.

Thank You!

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Oh and what is this charter's name Ton Vaize?

I have heard of Ton Vaize (as mentioned in Clif's video but I do not follow Ton.

Nice to know about that prediction. What do you think our low for BTC will be until then?

I think we saw the near-term low in BTC yesterday.

Steem on,

My favorite person that I never met; yet. Aloha!


I agree, Clif is a very interesting individual.

Have a great week!
Steem on,

He is really a great guy and helping the people in every possible way.Age is just a number.

Yes, he is! So much so that he wouldn't even own any shares of Veritaseum or other cryptos or ICOs so not to have his personal emotion deter the Alta report predictions. I truly admire him as a great force in favor of humanity. Aloha!

I followed you just because I ran into High Cliff ;)

Thank you.

When Clif does encrypt his videos I will continue to provide a summary along with a link to his plugin and a link to his video. I am sure there will be those who go straight for the video instead of downloading the plugin first.

Have a great week!
Steem on,

Thanks! I've written him an email about MS PhotoDNA which can track images but should also work for video. I got this idea from the @Cheetah bot. This way you could track all assets even if they are modified all over the web.

Good summary ! Again sorry for my earlier comment. It really wasn't my place regardless. I deleted it.

You really need to listen to this video. Clif has no problem with people linking to his videos. He is vehemently opposed to people incorporating his videos (via chopping his videos) to post them on their YouTube channel.

People on YouTube have been putting their own video front-ends on Clif's videos or stripping the audio from his videos to put on their own video. This is really affecting Clif when they rehash Clif's old videos and post them as their own new videos.

In this post I published a link to Clif High's YouTube channel. I did not alter Clif High's video in any way.

Please listen to this video posted by Clif High and you will see Clif tell it in his own words. Then go to YouTube and see all the people who are incorporating Clif's old videos into their own.

Steem on,

No problem! On SteemIt we need a sense of accountability and I appreciate that.

Even though I buy Clif reports, I try very hard not to give out more information than what he divulges on a video. If I cut and pasted from his copyrighted reports, which he does derive an income from, then I would be no better than those who pirate his videos on YouTube. And I must say, I would hope someone would call me on it.

Have a great week!
Steem on,

Nothing wrong with summarizing a video and linking to it. His buddy Jsnip4 does that all the time.

I'm just saying the guy even mentions in the video he doesn't want people posting. The guy u speak off is frotnds with cliff. Either way it's not my biz. I'm sorry for saying anything. I'm
New here and clearly spoke on something that's not my place.

I think Youtube will suspend his account if he succeeds in encrypting it. Youtube will claim criminals could use the technology for child pornography or pirating movies. He's better off just ignoring the haters and building his image like any other alt media person.

From this video, it seems that people on YouTube have been incorporating old videos made by Clif High into their own YouTube videos and posting them as new videos. I have run across a few of them on YouTube. In those pirated videos, you cannot tell what time-frame the information is for. So what happens is people contact Clif asking for an explanation. As Clif says it has been consuming some of his time.

I have even seen YouTube videos that strip the audio from Clif's videos and incorporate it into their own video that just shows a splash page with their logo and Clif's picture.

I think you are right that his videos may be banned from YouTube. Why? Because people will flag or complain about the videos when all that displays is snow (when viewed without Clif's plugin).

It would be great if SteemIt had a video hosting like it does for images. But I am completely satisfied with SteemIt just hosting images. for now.

Thanks for the comment!

Have a great week!
Steem on,

Yea I prob shouldn't have said anything. It's not my biz.

No problem! Absolutely challenge me if I stole someone else's work. I appreciate being challenged. It really makes me think and defend my position. And you know, sometimes (okay more often than I like) I am wrong.

Clif High does have a SteemIt account:
But he has not posted anything to SteemIt in something like 11 months.

I try not to link to content when the author/creator is on SteemIt.

Clif High does not see the value in STEEM. However, I think he is wrong about that and wrong about not posting on SteemIt.

As you, I respect Clif's work. I think his work deserves the exposure to the widest possible audience. If making a post enables more people to find his website, YouTube channel, and purchase his reports then I have achieved my goal. I want to drive more business Clif's way.

Have a great week!
Steem on,
Mike it's webtorrent

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