Comejen or termite insect.

Saludos de esta hermosa comunidad,gracias a Dios por los dias que nos regala,hoy le voy hablar del insecto comejen o termitas
En el dia de hoy cuando preparaba la tierra para transplantar unas matas de tomates que tengo en un semillero,observe este insecto llamado comejen o termite.


Greetings from this beautiful community, thank God for the days that you give us, today I am going to talk to you about the comejen or termite insect.
Today when I was preparing the soil to transplant some tomato plants that I have in a nursery, I observed this insect called comejen or termite.

El comejen lleva por nombre cientifico,Isoptera perteneciente a la familia mastotermitidae,es una clase de insecto que llega a medir entre dos o tres milimetros,tambien es conocido como termitas,viven en paises tropicales se encuentran en la tierra,maderas,papeles,son roedores ellos viven en colonias.


The comejen has a scientific name, Isoptera belonging to the Mastotermitidae family, it is a kind of insect that can measure between two or three millimeters, it looks like a beetle, it is also known as termites, they live in tropical countries and are found on earth, woods, papers, they are rodents they live in colonies.

Es un insecto que llega a vivir entre dos y tres años,se aparean luego de cuatro a cinco semanas colocan sus huevos,para despues nacen pequeñas larvas igual al gusano,ellos se alimentan dentro de la madera como muebles,
Puertas,camas,gabinetes,tambien se alimentan de hormigas,gramineas y todo lo que tenga que ver con papel como libros,revistas etc.
Espero que sea de su interes y agrado para seguir compartiendo mas con ustedes,Dios los bendiga grandemente.

It is an insect that lives between two and three years, they mate after four to five weeks, they lay their eggs, then small larvae are born like the worm, they feed inside the wood such as furniture, doors, beds, cabinets, They also feed on ants, grass and everything that has to do with paper such as books, magazines, etc.
I hope it is of your interest and pleasure to continue sharing more with you, God bless you greatly.

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