Various animals and how to illustrate them# Penguin

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

Hello friends of steemit! warm greetings, I'm back for one more delivery of this series of drawings. "Various animals" is a series of drawings that seeks not only to represent different examples of the kingdom of nature, but also to make them known to those who do not yet know about them, in the hope that people will become aware of the use we make of the space around us, our environment, and how we affect it and how it affects all the different ecosystems found and inter-connected throughout this planet that is our home and also theirs, those magical beings of the kingdom of nature.


The representative of the animalia kingdom of today is the emperor penguin. It is a species of sea bird of the sphenisciform family, endemic of the Antarctica, it is the biggest and heaviest of the penguins, they can surpass the 120cm of height and arrive to weigh between 20 and 40kg. Their diet is mainly made up of fish but can also include crustaceans and cephalopods such as squid.

Their body is formed in such a way that makes them excellent swimmers, they can dive to more than 500 meters deep and hold their breath for up to 18 minutes.


The Emperor Penguin is mainly known for its peculiar reproductive cycle, which it does annually in the winter season, where they undertake a long journey to mate and later care for their young.

The female lays a single egg that is initially incubated by the male, during which time she goes out to sea to look for food while the male takes care of the young. Its life expectancy is usually about twenty years in its natural habitat but there have been recorded specimens that have reached forty years of age.


It is a monogamous species, that is to say that it has only one partner for its entire life. To recognize its partner, they do it by means of a vocalization that they emit when they meet again in the middle of the great group of penguins. They can withstand extreme temperatures of up to -20º degrees.

Well friends this has been all for this show today, I hope to be able to continue sharing with you very soon.

Thanks for your attention!

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