Xaya, the best gaming choice on the blockchain!

in #blockchain6 years ago

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The economy is currently difficult in many parts of the world, however, with a relatively "accessible" level of various resources such as pc and internet, many things can be done and open a world of possibilities that many people overlook or do not understand, but in the long run it ends up bringing many benefits, sometimes even being able to completely change an economic situation in a person, all this depending on the work performed or the country in which it is located.

The digital currency or cryptocurrency has been a novelty in this regard. There are multiple ways to acquire virtual currency of many types (this post being one of those ways) but really anyone, of any profession or social class, that has the resources already described, has access to venture into the world of profits that cryptocurrencies offer.

One of the most famous methods, which has been taking much force with the passage of time, are virtual games. There are an infinity of games that can be obtained in the network, which offer a possibility of acquiring profits from them, and which attract a lot of attention because, who does not want to make money doing what they like, even if it is just playing some video game? I do see that as a great idea, although my area is more creative because as a designer and photographer I am, I like to create more, however I also feel very attracted to videogames and this issue of earning money by this means I find it quite attractive.

Games like "Runescape", World of Warcraft, or League of legends, to say a part of the most popular, offer an almost perfect and very addictive combination of "fun and monetary benefits" in which many people have seen their life routines change, even in my country (Venezuela) many people do not even need to have an office job to cover their basic expenses, since with these payment methods that produce these game systems, they manage to pay their living expenses and even give themselves certain " luxuries. "

Thinking about this, multiple developers and programmers, among others, have seen a very large source of possibilities in this field, creating various platforms that offer each a different challenge for the user, but also help the user to obtain monetary benefits based on in the games in which they are concentrating, however, even though this is a phase in development, problems often occur in terms of security and reliability, in addition to each user having an attitude and looking for a different benefit, not always being these very honest.

For this reason, increasingly reliable systems have been adapted to avoid the typical problems caused by problematic users and this is when we present one of the best in the field today; we talk about Xaya.

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What's Xaya

Xaya offers us a super interesting solution, which mixes functionality, security, and allows us to try new options in terms of paid games with cryptocurrency, all this acting in its own blockchain, a question that makes it an option more than desirable for all those gamers that they are dedicated to acquiring currencies by these means and they want to look for alternatives to the popular ones that to the being so saturated, by their popularity, presents diverse problems.

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The use of servers is a practically "normalized" function for all those gamers that enter them to start with their favorite games (the case of the Mmorpg's) however, this system eventually presents multiple problems, among the most notable, the load time, the saturation of the server by the number of users, the famous "Lag" that is only the tip of the iceberg and that in places with low quality of connection to the network, it translates into a serious problem at the moment of " mine "by these means.

Xaya has, in that sense, an alternative that eliminates the root of the servers, and therefore also eliminates that problem, and gives a completely new window of possibilities when it comes to creating new worlds and game systems, a universe for the programmers and creatives in general who dare to create with confidence all new games and initiatives that allow direct human mining!

The assets that are generated from a certain game is the key factor and the biggest reason by which a user decides to enter a system or a virtual world to play and produce this gain, but often happens that belonging to a server, or not having an appropriate system, those assets do not pass directly to the user who is producing them, a situation that creates many times, a partial or total loss, if the server in question has to close or has failures of some kind . And Xaya has the direct solution in this sense since its system is decentralized, and allows the user to manage their own assets directly, thus allowing them to dispose of them in the way that best suits them, a solution that definitely falls very well and avoids discomfort of having done a job in vain, that although it was entertainment at the end, had the initial idea and more important to be a means of personal gain in foreign exchange.

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The Huntercoin Adventure

The Huntercoin project has been executed for a while now, and has really been a great alternative for the leap that Xaya has given as an independent platform since without this function that has served as a column, the system of the project as such would not be so entrenched. .

Huntercoin is presented to us as an initiative that allows us to acquire currencies through gaming with all the benefits that we have already described, highlighting the fact that it is a completely decentralized and server-free platform, an issue that has been widely accepted by users that they interacted within this world that was created by the Xaya team and that gave them the bases to make the project evolve and the different games that were subsequently created from here.

With many new features in its genre, such as being the first decentralized game that was shown in multiplayer mode, which offered a currency with multiple uses, and also its blockchain construction for the moment was the first in its style allowing also the mining of the cryptocurrency on a human level, definitely presented as a totally new and real process that was established and took power over time, and if at that time was presented as a great option, today with the new updates and functions that apply Xaya, becomes a definitely necessary option and that can not be ignored by any player who does mining by this method. Some of these updates being:

  • Being provably fair
  • Being decentralized and autonomous environments
  • True Item Ownership and fair acquisition
  • 24/7 Up-time
  • Play to Earn gaming Experience
  • Fraud proof trading

We can then define Huntercoin as that project that you intend to place on a trial basis, and it ends up being better than you expected, almost the ideal that each project of that type has when it is launched for the first time, and it is good to know that the first time take the right decisions that led them to the path of success and allowed them to continue developing the project that now has many new features.

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What comes from the Xaya project

Xaya, taking into account his great success with Huntercoin, realized that the blockchain system for games is very effective, and launched two projects of gameplay that really promise and in fact are already established within the gamers channels as promises that will give very good results, they are already doing it.


The first, the game based on Canedoom, a game that in itself is shown as very addictive for its construction options for a character that in this case is a kind of "recipe" which you need to create the character and make it the best possible to face it with other users and their characters. This type of games create a super addictive environment and constant character building, and as it will act in the blockchain, the options will be much broader as it develops more and more.

The other game that we mention is the Soccer Manager, which has had a great impact in many countries and is currently extending to the Asian continent, a game that puts us in the shoes of a manager who must direct his selection of the best possible way, in tournaments that are real among many users around the globe, creating endless opportunities and options, which the user values a lot and with its game system creates an addictive game that also generates a monetary reward, closing the Circle perfectly.

The option of Xaya allying itself with this great game, is a catapult that will create an avant-garde alternative and that will add a large number of users to the game, all moved by the system that provides the use of the chain of blocks for the benefit of the system in general and the mass production of tokens that will be exchanged and won between each team of each user that deserves it.

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The mission of Xaya

Xayahas as its main mission, to be a means of exchange of assets that flows between users of the best and safest of the forms, all based on their systems and their general proposals, of which we will talk a little more.

The Chi, which is the currency of the platform, has the mission of subsisting through the enthusiasm that will be created by the developers, to create worlds based on the blockchain platform given all the benefits that this offers, and at the same time time, will bring many users who will want to play and enter these worlds for while they are entertained, they will acquire many monetary gains.

Speaking a little bit more in detail about each one of those involved (creators and players) we say then that Xaya is a benefit for them because:

1. Programmers (or creators of the various games) can save a lot of time and investment resources to create their ideas, carry them out, and turn them into a reality, all this with a much lower overall cost than if they did considering that They create things like a server and demand a lot more resources from both their devices and their money.

2. And in the chaos of the players, who are simply looking to use their time in the best possible way, investing it in a game that gives the benefits of exchange of time for monetary gain as efficiently as possible, which with typical systems is little Probably because there are many options that offer something and in the end it turns out to be much more complicated than what was described at first, or it was simply a hoax.

3.The real-time asset storage books are the proposal that Xaya is offering, and the method that users and developers are hoping to have to create an ecosystem that allows for gameplay, and at the same time acquire a currency system that allows the fluid and constant exchange, in addition to fast, which often does not happen and is one of the roots of the problem in general of the current gaming system.

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The Chi Coin

Working with the PoW, the user can keep their most important data and game progress within the system, while being sure to receive their winnings in the safest and most just way possible, giving the assurance that the currency of Xaya, the Chi, is presented as a totally secure alternative of credits for each user in general.
The Chi has a system within the platform with a series of benefits, such as:

  • The security that through the blockchain system, the user acquires a free profit from other users' traps and fully backed up in a database that is verifiable and under his power at all times as a personal record.

  • The exchange system of Chi is very useful since regardless of the game, the values ​​that are produced can be passed directly to the token, giving a great demand to it for being the simplest source of change that occurs from the game without have to do paperwork that otherwise would be more complicated and would need more steps to be executed.

  • Channels to make payments in Bitcoin are presented as a great alternative that facilitates the production of projects and enablement of games within the blockchain.

  • The hash commitments of Merkle, the security system of excellence that will be used by the team of Xaya, will allow in a matter of transactions, a security that will reduce or eliminate at the root the different disputes that arise within the games, either on the of a user or a misunderstanding, among other probable causes.

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The Game Channels

The most important function of exchange of tokens within the Xaya platform, are the game channels, Many times, players who issue a payment, for some reason or other have problems, change their mind, make decisions as they see fit, etc. ., and this creates many disputes when specifying each transaction and often the party that receives the profit is simply "scammed".

The channels implemented by Xaya are presented as an alternative that will allow both the issuer and the receiver to make an exchange according to the gain acquired, since if a payment is made, it passes through several channels that will approve the process.

"Game channels register movements in private side chains. Digital signatures and hash chain structures ensure that movements can not be fraudulent or reversed. "

If things come up calmly, the winnings are spread among the players equally, without any problem, but if problems occur in the agreement and there is a party that is not happy with the payments or the distribution of the profit, it is here when the game channels come into play, since they allow the user to be really honest and have the evidence to prove their disagreement, to receive fair payment for their work, is simply to be fair, and provide the right benefits to each player for their effort.

In short, a player who receives a fair payment has no problems, but a player who is unfairly rewarded has the right to demand justice, although this can also attract players who only want to ruin the game's fluidity, and created the systems of data nodes, which have a time frame and are going to avoid the overload of the system by means of these controls that are going to apply, simply putting in evidence through these registers, if a user is connected with another one of a legal way or simply it is an attempt to be annoying, and in this case simply the merkle system is who will take charge of giving justice and cancel the indicated user what is due for justice.

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Use Cases

Emilia has a lot of time playing an online game, and has acquired several currencies from it, however it bothers her that she always has connection problems and to enter her favorite server is quite an odyssey, besides that the Lag prevents her many times enjoy a complete experience, making you lose games and profits many times you had almost assured, and this without even thinking about the subsequent process of having to change your earnings to a mobile wallet and then pass them to a certain exchange house and all the time what this takes.

Emilia decides one day that she wants to try a system that allows her to have greater ease when it comes to entering the game, and also to have a simpler and fun experience, all this while she acquires some pretty good profits, a friend told her about Xaya and want to try it, and surprise! Xaya has a completely new system for her, and the games that are there are very entertaining and fluid, all this giving her an almost instantaneous addiction to the platform since in addition, her assets are directly produced and reach her quickly, without intermediaries or cumbersome processes.

Clark is a programmer, he loves Jrpg's and has a long time developing the idea in general bases for a project that for him is his masterpiece, "the history of Shadowargel". Clark has developed the plot, the history in general, the plots, the design of the characters and scenarios, he has everything almost ready, but he has a problem.

It turns out that to develop your project, requires a large sum of money to acquire the equipment you need, because to mount your game on a server you are asking for a quantity of money and resources that he does not have at his disposal.

However one day, talking with a fellow programmer, he told him about Xaya and his great initiative, and this excited him greatly, so much so that he decided to enter the page, register and almost instantly realized that this was the place for him. which I was waiting for, since I could develop your virtual world without the need of a server, simply using the blockchain of the site!

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The virtual world takes more and more strength, it is impressive how new trends in video games in general have given the community a often economic alternative, presenting a rather great alternative that mixes fun and money production, however this often creates problems because many people only want profits and take advantage of other users who do not know or just want to have fun and have fun in a community while generating a profit for them and thus take advantage of their time in the best possible way.

Xaya has a great solution in their hands as it gives the world a new way to generate income having fun and also, in a fair way and that will avoid many disputes and discontents, since it is assured as a platform that will work efficiently against all those users who just want to bother and in these fields of video games are very common.

If you want to venture into the world of video games and at the same time gain profits at the mining level in an entertaining way, Xaya is the best option to which you can choose to start in a safe and completely satisfactory way, leaving only the worry of passing a Pleasant and entertaining moment for you.

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Extra features


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