Friendship is like a charm (Original Poetry)

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Friendship is like a charm,
Your best friend today,
may become your worst enemy tomorrow
While a stranger in the street,
May be your saviour in times of sorrow.

Friendship is like a charm,
I shun a friend who pronounces my actions to be good,
even when my actions are bad
I prefer an enemy
Who takes my fault like a looking Glass

Friendship is a charm,
Friends are like stars,
Beautiful like Cleopatra,
But ugly in the inside as Socrates
Out of their great multitude,
Few can be trusted

Friendship is like a charm,
The abyss for salvage
Also, the abyss for destruction,
Too many friends, makes one to be confused.
You cannot detect the fake and real friends.
prefer just a friend who loves and motivates, and understands me.

It's not about those that looks real in your face, it's about those that are real behind you

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