History Has A Habit Of Repeating Itself

in GEMS4 years ago

I've been watching curation on hive for a few weeks now to see what curation account are voting on and how is quality content supported.

Hardfork on the other chain was implemented to stop abuse facilitated by bidbots among other things. Circle jerking was also penalized and spamming as well. I'm not saying abuse was totally eliminated but it was a start towards a better distribution of the reward pool.


Hive, Our New Home

Hive was a fresh start for our community, the opportunity to do it right without being censored or dominated by a single person, who couldn't care less about the community. We've got plenty of experience, some already have four years on the other chain, have been through thick and thin. They know every detail, they know what's right and what's not.

After a bumpy start, people started to convert their tokens into hive and delegate to curation projects that are supposed to reward quality content, at least that's what they have been preaching about. After the 13 week powerdown delegations will be more, more hp to curate quality content. Theoretically.

Reality On Hive

In reality, sadly I must admit, things are not exactly as it should be and when I'm saying not exactly, I am being diplomatic to avoid saying things are not at all like what it should be.

I am seeing shitposts curated day after day, shitposts made by users with high reputation and without any effort. While reputation counts less in this case, quality should matter on the other hand. It's disappointing to see a quote (which is copy paste by the way), a paragraph that is not more than one sentence, two crappy photos get more than a 600 - 700 character quality post with over 10 photos.

Maybe I'm wrong but it looks like some users are lucky enough to be on known curation account's autovoter and getting high upvotes no matter what shit they are posting repeatedly, on a daily basis. Meanwhile others with exceptional quality posts are struggling day by day to make $1 or $2 per post.


This is totally discouraging to say the least. This is not right! This is not the road we should go on. This needs to stop as soon as possible if we really want a healthy ecosystem for ourselves and onboard as many new users as possible. Imagine what message is this sending to new users who are learning the ropes. Experienced users with a few years on the other chain should be an example for new users, a good example and not a bad one. Just because you are here from the beginning doesn't give you the right to shitpost and get rewarded for it.

Obviously everyone is free to vote and support whoever they like but still, there should be a line that should not be crossed. Supporting users who are shitposting should never happen.

At this point I'm totally disappointed in what is going on on Hive and truly hope this phenomenon is going to disappear soon. Shitposters need to wake up and start posting quality content but they are not going to make any effort if they are constantly supported for posting shit.

Hive is our home and we should keep it clean, encourage quality content and fight abuse. Over rewarding shitposts is an abuse, a big one.


History has a habit of repeating itself and I guess favoritism will always come first while rewarding quality is a motto we like to repeat a lot as it sounds good. Curation account though should practice what they preach. I hope they are reading my post and those who are shitposting and proud about it as well.


Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 10 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 2 SBD worth and should receive 100 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

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