Think Positive!

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8

The numerous trials and tragedies of what's happened in the lives of some people have made them so negative-minded to the extent that they cannot see any positive outcome in anything that comes their path.
Some generate a whole lot of thoughts(unhealthy) because of their past experiences.
We should just know the more we think of the bad, the more they occur.
The more we feel anxious, pessimistic or despondent over something, the likelihood that it won't succeed is very great.


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The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:45

The bible says the we speak what's abundant in our hearts and we shouldn't forget that what comes out of our mouths have impacts on us and others around us.

As a Christian, you can't keep throwing cold water on everything and everyone; you have to stop being pessimistic.
This life is neither stable nor fair. Things happen to us everytime, good and bad.
But when the bad comes, let's not let it fill our minds to the extent we can't think positive about anything anymore.

You might think you've been searching for jobs, marriage, and such things for so long and you've still not got them. It's easy to lose hope since we are all human. But to let that hopelessness get the better of you is a mistake you should avoid.



Always encourage yourself and others, strive on in life and never give up. With the help of God, one day, just one day, you'll meet your desires.
Think positive because every thought and words have impacts on our lives.


Think positive!

Thanks for reading.

God be with us!


Positive thinking enhances self confidence and high self esteem. Great piece there, thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your words.

Believe that one day..I’ll get there is a matter of time and positive path through my movements. I’m really motivated by your post.

Very nice one, positive thinking is very good

Thank for sharing

My pleasure, bro

You are right, brother. In life there can be everything, but we must always hope for the best because God is with us.

That's right brother

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