swedencornet joined TELOS

in #eos6 years ago (edited)

swedencornet joined TELOS

swedencornet, an EOS Block Producer from Sweden, has proudly joined TELOS Testnet. TELOS is a fork of EOS. It is trying to solve some of the FUNDAMENTAL Challenges faced by EOS Mainnet in it's infancy.

Ref/Source: https://telosfoundation.io/

EOS echo system, in it's core, has been designed and expected to support multiple chains and mainnets. All can work together and complement each other. Moreover EOS Mainnet can learn lessons from experiments on Telos.

You all are welcome to join Telos! You can co-exist on multiple chains.... :)

Details of Telos can be read @ https://telosfoundation.io/ . However, these are some the key highlights of Telos echo system:

Developer Focus

Telos is aiming to provide a

  • secure,
  • stable,
  • cost-effective network

for deploying world class DApps. Developers can expect affordable RAM prices and the ability to launch open-source or proprietary smart contracts with no transaction fees.

DPoS Speed

The Telos network handles up to 50,000 transactions per second for blazing fast transactions and massive scalability. This means DApps can reach a worldwide audience at the fastest average transaction speed of any blockchain — just 1.5 seconds!

Good Governance

Telos has a rich governance system from the Constitution to ongoing block producer elections, to worker proposal funding and dispute adjudication. No other blockchain offers the cohesive governance of Telos.

swedencornet (EOS Sweden)


Support and VOTE for swedencornet

Note; you can set swedencornet as your EOS Proxy via these tools:

Team Organization

Ref: http://eossweden.eu/team.html

Support and VOTE for swedencornet

How to Vote?

Our Block Producer account ID is: swedencornet

Support and VOTE for swedencornet


Support and VOTE for swedencornet

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