History of the president who became a dictator in Honduras. / Historia de el presidente que se convirtió en dictador en Honduras.

in #history7 years ago

Tiburcio Carias Andino was a lawyer, politician and professor, military with the degree of general of division and at the same time the No. 38 president of Honduras elected for a period of 4 years from 1932 to 1936 and his regime was in power until the year 1949 strengthened the armed forces, and was against the strikes, received the support of American banana companies based in the country, also was timely on external debt payments, modified the constitution of the republic, today its most faithful representative is the current president modified the constitution and was re-elected.


Tiburcio Carias Andino fue un abogado, política y catedrático, militar con el grado de general de división y a su vez el No. 38 presidente de Honduras electo para un periodo de 4 años de 1932 a 1936 y su régimen estuvo en el poder hasta el año 1949 fortalecio las fuerzas armadas, y estaba en contra de las huelgas, recibía el apoyo de las compañías estadounidenses bananeras radicadas en el país, ademas se mantenía puntual en los pagos de deuda externa, modifico la constitución de la república, hoy su mas fiel representante es el actual presidente modifico la constitución y se reeligió.



The dictatorship will not last long
As long as there is a desire to love freedom, this president's fate is in the abyss

Yes friend, I hope that he finish, well, and changue Honduras.

Hi @enriqueig,

It seems you got a $0.1084 upvote from @littlebug at the last minute before the payout. (70.36h)

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