Steem Monsters: A Daily Catch Up Mechanism

in #steemmonsters6 years ago


As soon as open battle beta went live and they announced that a reward system was introduced based on the rating you had many eyeing 3700 rating for 20 packs. It is only natural people want max tier with as little games played as possible. Then people start to look at how much they were earning per match and thinking it’s going a lot of hours. Which I think is how it should be since we still have over 15 days remaining. Right now the top guy has almost 400 battles at 1800 rating. So that a lot of games to be played.

When it comes to gaming you tend to have those who either have time to grind but not a lot of money or those loaded with cash but not a lot of time. Yes, I understand there are those in the middle but that just something also to consider. Whatever your case is if you don’t have a lot of time that number looks quite impossible even if you have a decent deck and will not be playing 24/7 like a bot. Granted we still have over 15 days and gamers do tend to want everything right here and now instead of thinking of having it in 15 days.

The last thing you want happening is everyone feeling like the game is just one long grind to get anywhere. That is easy to happen in games like these where you can just go on one long losing streak and lose days or more worth of points. Since I assume this is a short season as well long term we could be seeing some numbers changing even more so once they work out what the actual number of players being able to hit certain rating and just how many packs that is giving away for free.

Catch Up Mechanics


Catch up mechanics are nice to have for those who are not going be hardcore grinning the game for an insane amount of hours per day. It encourages everyone to least log in daily so you just have more people around making a more diverse pool to be matched with. It can also just keep someone from burning out if they are not into grinding.

While these numbers could be more than changed to whatever they see more suiting on the rating it would be carried out the same. You log in and your next 5 matches you can earn triple the rating points on a win or lose 1/3 the normal amount of the loss. It does not take that long to play 5 matches a day. For many, this might be all the time they will be making for the game once the new feeling wears off.

If they are concerned with rewarding bots or giving grinders with an endless amount of hours to play this game an even bigger lead. They could if it was cost beneficial to them keep track in some way active hour played per day. While I’m not a developer since everyone is leaving custom json maybe they could search for and add up whole hours you did nothing on the blockchain regarding Steem Monsters. If you played less then X amount of hours you got the bonus the next day. Depending on their target demographic perhaps it turns into just a weekly bonus instead with the next 10 matches or next 5 wins. Many different ways they could play around with it.

Either way, this might help take the sting out of that grinding feeling many are already thinking about. While those who “have a life” as they say can still have a goal in mind and try to reach it. This might also make things more reasonable for new people getting onboard that don’t have hundreds of SP worth of RC to consume. Granted I don’t think 3700 is something everyone should be aiming for either. Me personally I would be happy around the Gold League of 1900 rating or whatever the number ends up being.

Happy battling!


Screenshots were taken and content written by @enjar. Screenshots are from a game called Steem Monsters.

My Affiliate link if you have not sign into the game yet and are thinking about getting into it. So far I've had an amazing time. Looking forward to seeing how the game grows.



I've been having fun with it thus far. I'm not in contention for the top spot though. As of this writing, I'm just below 400 points.

You're right, it doesn't take long to play 5 games. I like it. In fact, I wish they would speed up the entrance into the matches a bit. The matchmaking has been good though. It happens fairly quickly. I just wish they would stop matching me again the same person over and over when they're destroying my team. ;)

I just wish they would stop matching me again the same person

Indeed on that last part. It be nice if there was some kind of “protection” if you faced the same person within the last 10 matches 3 times you wait in que a little longer unless that is your only opponent. I think in the long run when they have more players that won’t be a big issue. I know in CCG games I’ve played in the past where they had a smaller population that as quite common. At least till they or you went up high enough in rank to not see each other again.

So far the wait times have been really great. There are so many games out there these days where people can wait forever to just get a match. Which can be a bit of a downer in games where you have to wait on players. That I think they have done really well so far in not keeping people to long waiting for a match. That is not something you tend to see in a beta of a game.

It's nice not to have to wait for hours to get into a match. I would appreciate it if they'd nerf the death team a bit though. The summoner and one of their cheap guys have weaken, so a normal team going against it just gets slaughtered. Maybe it's different if you have leveled cards, but I'm powering up. I can't afford 100 Steem just to get 3 good cards. Ha ha.

Ya it is crazy the amount of level 1 death decks running around crushing it. While my mid level fire deck can take out the level 1's. If they are level a coupe of levels it could go either way.

I think many are using water now a days to counter it. That or I'm sure a dragon those things are crazy.

I'm sure there are strategies, but I haven't figured them out yet. I'm also rather limited in the cards I have. I just bought the 15 card starter and a few cards on my own.

Well it looks like your conterst is a noupvote, no follow and no resteem right? Get yourself whitelisted in contestkings so you can use there tag in your next contest and have it listed.

I myself just went down the long list of contest they have for SM and some others and gave them an entry. A chance at free cards is always nice. Most of them don't take long either.

Otherwise are you using the SM upvote on your SM posts? If not jump into there discord and go down to the registration channel to sign up and then the upvote channel.

Many are using the content they are creating for the game to help fund getting more cards.

I have been getting SM upvotes, but I haven't been whitelisted by contest kings. I'll have to look into getting that done. The extra exposure probably wouldn't hurt.

I'm torn between getting cards and powering up. I'm trying to power up as much as possible while the Steem prices are low, so it's tough to spend Steem on SM cards. I'm trying to keep up though. :)

Thanks for the advice!

I once played a game in which everyone got a set amount of fuel per day. So there was only so much you could do. There was a way to grind for a little bit more if I recall, but not much. I think it made for a good balance between those with lives and without :)

haha I think that tell some of us we are an issue and need stop playing so much. Thankfully I won't run out of RC at current rates so they can't turn me down!

First day I think I played 80-90 matches. Today I took it easy and only played a few. I might have stayed up till 4 am so Monday was a real killer --opps.

I absolutely agree with this. Great observation and suggestion.
I went from zero to 1200 in two days, but then I have a lot of high level cards, and the competition is getting fierce at this level.
I'm pretty confident of Gold - 1900, but anything beyond that is gravy.

Nice, you are not to far off then from there. I like how it counts your highest score so people don't just stop after they reach what they think there max potential is not wanting to risk going back down the ladder and losing out.

I played a little today ended on a 5 win streak at 450 points. With my deck I think it might be best to take it easy for a couple of days. Let all the higher decks up far past me. Then I can just go on a farming spree!Granted always great when you run into a level 1 deck that just murder you just to keep somewhat humble lol. Can not wait to se what rules of combat change in 18 hours!

Yeah we've all been humbled by an ill-fated matchup. It's good, cause it damages the pay to play idea. Great cards offer a definite advantage (why else would they be worth anything), but if you play the right combo and get a little lucky you can take some really satisfying scalps.
I got a 10 win streak earlier. I was hoping to match or beat @holoz0r's 11 wins in a row; and the 11th match was against @holoz0r. It's like he was guarding his title :)

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