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RE: Progress being made

in #steem5 years ago

Build a strong developers team

Most of the top talent left Steemit Inc. So, yes it’s going need to be built.

Maintain Steem blockchain running

Your sock puppet witnesses have not updated price feeds in 3 days. The witnesses have already state it needs to be updated.

A large portion of content creators have lost over a week of productivity due to this siege on our blockchain. It's been hell for them thinking they are going to lose there home and everything they have build over the past years.

Launch Smart Media Tokens

I would hope so with how close it is to be doing. You more or less just have to walk it across the goal post.

Launch Cross Chain Atomic Swaps

Glad to see the proper technical language being used.

Improve Overall User Experience And Onboard More Users

That is badly needed. Most have went to other front ends due to poor user experience, annoying ads, and lack of functionally to keep up with what the blockchain has been evolving into.

While I had years of SEO and backlinking to my content built up on Steemit frontend website. I use another front end mostly these days for better functionality.

We're nervous

I’m disappointed by how you and the Steemit Inc team have handled things over the past week.

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