Technology and Kitchen - The Invention of Robotic Kitchens

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Every day as technology advances, people live in the fear of technology replacing their jobs, people are scared of becoming absolutely jobless by the time technology totally replaces everything about our dear planet.
Although experts have given a reason why people should be calm, experts said robots will replace more of task than jobs, which means a lot of people may still have their jobs but have robots carrying out majority of the task.

While we are still discussing about how artificial intelligence has taken over the production and car industry, it might amaze you that our dear food industry is also not left out of the drastic change. Three decades ago, if someone had told a regular man that robots will be able to prepare his food, he may have bluntly denied but surprisingly we already have different establishments of robotic kitchens in different areas.

The Robotic Kitchens.

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Spyce Kitchen:

This robotic kitchen was founded by four young male robotic engineers who teamed up with a very good chef, the skill of the robotic engineers’ matches perfectly with that of the chef who handles the menu. This kitchen works by having workers prepare the food recipe’s at night and by the following morning when the kitchen is opened for business, people can select their orders through the screen and the food mixing or should I say robotic production machines quickly picks up the recipe and produces an attractive mouth-watering meal for the customers according to the request made. Although the food preparation is done by the robot, human effort is still required to garnish the food according to taste and make it look attractive to customers. There are different food types and the robot also sanitizes itself after each meal is prepared, with all of this robotic skill in use, one will think the food will be very expensive but it goes for as low as $7.50 per plate.

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Creator Kitchen:

It took the team eight years to completely finish the development of the robot used in the creator kitchen. This kitchen is designed to make simply burgers, the robots make the burgers from scratch even till the point of slicing the tomatoes and grinding the meat it does everything and it has the ability to make one hundred and twenty burgers in one hour. The production of a burger once a customer makes request takes only 30 seconds and they have also launched with a price of $6 per burger.

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Flippy robot:

This robot is already used in some kitchens because it has the great ability of monitoring burger while the burger is going through a production process, it could flip the burger and also set aside when ready, not only is it used for burger making, it can also be used for commercial frying in any kitchen and the most fascinating aspect of the robot lies in its ability to learn by itself.


@eni-ola technology is making new advancement day by day. but as per me the food taste must better with hands , machines cannot make better food.

I agree with you although those who have tasted the food reported that the food tasted the same way like that of a skilled chef.

Oh, I just read it now...
@futurekr wrote something about automation taking people's job in the food industry, i wrote about innovations in the food industry and in the kitchen. This two posts are different with dating as far back as two months and mine just yesterday. If only two of this kind of post is on project.hope then i do not think it is too much. More so, just like it is impossible to talk about automated cars without mentioning Tesla so is it for restaurants like Spyce and so on because these companies are the one ruling the automated kitchen market.

I am sure your concern here is two post having the same message about automation in kitchen which i am just seeing that someone else wrote about it some 2 months ago, which isn't a problem because a lot of people write about automation in automobiles and industries, i have seen countless posts on COVID-19 and i haven't seen a person drop a link saying we have this post on project hope and you have written one of such and i have never written about coronavirus.

I try my best to get posts that are fresh and not popularly written in the community and i will keep doing that. I am sure you do not intend that this post is plagiarized because i take my time to write every letter on my post.

Thanks for checking out my post, cheers.

 4 years ago 

Have a nice day.

Excellent! I find it very interesting, the human staff has less tasks but it is still indispensable, very well thought out, since a lot as you say they are afraid of becoming unemployed and this is a way to keep them!

It is really good that this method is totally not displacing humans in this field.

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

I love the sound of this innovation, the speed and the accuracy is what even gets me the more plus the fact that humans are not totally exempted.

There is actually no doubt about Artificial Intelligence and technology is really taking over the world and the robotic kitchen machine seems to be very perfect for people who can't really cook and it's also gonna safe cooking stress.

I think machines like these will be more useful in restaurants and it's really gonna require more stress and cost for annual maintenance.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

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