Daily dose of inspiration: Spiritual Birth

in #philosophy8 years ago (edited)

When people set off on the road of self-fulfilment, they are often stunned when instead of harmony they first come across the decay of the system.

No one has ever said that wakening was pleasant. In contrary, it is painful. Just as the real birth is. But every mother knows what gift it brings along.

Literally, it bears a new life. The same applies to spiritual birth.
It hurts, but it is worth every bit of hassle.

Don't forget that before the construction of a more beautiful, better and more stable house on quality foundations, you must first tear down everything that is rotten. That is a process, which is also a test of your true desire. The gifts are enormous.

Often we mention tests. God is not a professor in school who gave you exams when you least hoped to take them, and of course, failed them. God is more of a friend who knows that if you receive something for what you are not ready, you will miss the blessing and value of the gift.

Nobody is testing you with the intention of you failing. It is exactly the opposite.

Great power comes with great responsibility. You have to be ready, otherwise it will not be of use for you as you will get lost in magnitude of the creation. And in that moment, you can even be dangerous to others.

It is comparable to a situation where parent gives a fast and expensive car to his five year old child, and lets it hit the road. Either it won't start, or it will be disastrously stopped by the first wall. Along the way it can also injure others. The Universe will not let that happen. Every human being is equally worth in its eyes, including you.

Don't be hasty in your own expansion. The gifts start on the first step. Right away you receive confirmations that you are on the right path. That is the most beautiful thing on this journey. When you are confused by the difficulty of the process, remember that it is proportional to value of the gifts.

Remember, even in nature there are seasons which have to go through the transformation process. That takes time, doesn't it? And don't forget that in nature there is the Sun, rain, thunder and the Rainbow. Remember that there is no Rainbow without the rain and that it is always darkest before the dawn.

The best news is: It will pass too! Just keep on going. Step by step.
Everything is better than standing in the same spot and giving up. Persistence is the crucial category of success.

Remember that we can jump the furthest with a run-up.
And run-up's first stage is going backwards, isn't it?

"When you think that the God can't hear you,
remember that professor is quiet during the exam"

Note: Take entity God in any sense that suits you the best.

For more awesome images check this guy: Psychedelic Maniac

Thank you for reading.


Just love that picture of the baby and the tree.

nice post
i like the images to go along with it~

Beautiful post, thank you for the raise in vibration!

Thankyou for your post that is what i needed to hear right now.

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