Journey of life

in #mindfulness8 years ago (edited)

You must have heard that life is a journey, not a destination. This is the big truth that we, repeatedly, understand superficially. Often we are so focused on the goal, that we completely forget to enjoy the path.

When we achieve the goal, we forget to enjoy it and immediately create a new goal. That is not life, this is racing with life. I am certain that you will not be happy, bur rather tired. Soul searches for the experience, while the mind and ego give signs if something is good or bad for us. Soul is completely indifferent. For the soul, every experience means celebration, while you are maybe crying because of the mind, to whom literally a lot of things does not make sense.

The same applies to the transformation called death. We celebrate resurrection as the greatest symbol of life, and then we are crying in the moment of someone's death. The mind is strange, isn't it?

Relax. It doesn't matter where you are in your level of expansion, you can't miss the road to home. While you are breathing, you are on the right track. Try to accept this moment as a moment in which there is no goal, and there is no end. The game never ends. This is excellent news. We came here to play, not to win. The game ends with victory, and God's Child in us still wants to play.

One beautiful wisdom reminds us: "Everything will be fine. If it isn't fine, then it isn't the end." You always have the chance for new choices. This is very important to understand. You shouldn't hate the process just because you are not on your imaginary goal. You trust the process. You are exactly where your soul wants you to be. Don't let your mind tell you any different.

Everything is always a matter of the focus on things you have instead of the things you are missing. Today, again you are taking for granted the things that once were a goal. You forget to enjoy. Time is only an illusion of the mind. What if that is the point that you current process wants to teach you? If time is illusion, and it is, what's the hurry?

Take a deep breath in and out. Experience life in the breath. The only goal is hiding in the breath of life. Everything is good, just the way it is. Don't forget that nothing ever happens without the God's blessing. Don't forget that you are guided. And, the most important, don't forget that we would most certainly go wrong if we'd try to determine what is the best time for us. The one who sees the big picture knows where you're headed and where you want to arrive.

Trust the process. It is the true test of our faith and wisdom. And enjoy. Without it nothing makes sense, right?
The sentence that many repeat in the end of the road: "I should've enjoyed more!"

All our life is a mere blink of an eye in the eternity. It is too small for such amount of worry. The life is not a serious thing, just the opposite. Life is the experience game. The point is not in the destination. The journey is our only destination. Isn't it then wiser to enjoy right away?

"Success isn't measured by money or material things.
Success is measured by the amount of joy you feel."

For more awesome images check this guy: Psychedelic Maniac

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