Unusual places found on Google Maps

in #gooogle7 years ago

On Google Maps you can spend long hours sitting at work and visiting places we will never go to. In order to avoid wasting time on barren hunting of forests and deserts, it is enough to get acquainted with the list of interesting places found by Internet users from all over the world.


Graveyard Cemetery 

32 08'59.96 "N, 110 50'09.03" W 

Tucson, Arizona 


Strange signs in the desert 

27 ° 22'50.10 "N, 33 ° 37'54.62" E 



Swastika building at the US Naval Command 

32 ° 40'34.19 "N 117 ° 9'27.58" W 

Coronado, California, USA 


Buffalo herd 

4 ° 17'21.49 "S 31 ° 23'46.46" E 

Kigosi animal reserve, Tanzania 


Big triangle 

33.747252, -112.633853 

Wittmann, Arizona, USA


Interesting, this inspires me to look more at Google Maps!

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