The most fearful horror movie you've ever seen @emmaboy23

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago

Cordial greetings, a pleasure being here with you guys, hope all is well and you are all doing well, i am @emmaboy23 and i am here to drop my entry on this contest titled : the most fearful horror movie I have ever seen, a much thank to @pea07 for organizing such a contest like this. Without further ado I will be dropping my opinion on this contest.

which horror movie do you like the most? Share a short description of the movie if possible with movie link

Screenshot from goggle

Annabelle creations, a horror movie which I would never forget and love the most. This horror movie is not for kids, the film is scary in both in terms of its use of jump scare tactics and even more so that the devil was the main character in this story and has had not only taken bodies but also bodies of people in that home. This film is not for kids, so if your kid is watching this movie or even if your a grown up , i would advice that if you have a weird looking dull you should put them aside or keep them somewhere to avoid having nightmares.

Screenshot from goggle

This warning aside, this movie emphasizes on the two spiritual beings which are God and the devil, the devil tends to take over the body of humans beings and uses them to follow his biding, while the pastor which is a messenger from God tries to stop the plan of the devil by binding him in a closet so he could not escape, but it was lose free by a girl which later was possessed by the devil and started tormenting Them in scary ways as possible. There are different Scenarios which the demon displays its true shape in physical form and I must admit it was unexpected and it got me as scared as hell.

if there was an option to modify the movie, what would you change about the movie ?

To be honest if I had the chance to change anything in this movie Annabelle creations I would not alter a single thing in this movie. This film was well acted and has all the suspense and scary feelings a good horror movie should have and I would also say that the storyline is well described and made a lot of sense

Do you recommend to watch this movie, explain your answer.

For many who has seen this movie you can agree to the fact that this movie is truly a scary one and from the acting to the direction this movie is amazing and easily one of the most frightening films I have ever watched, but it should not be allowed to be watched by kids. If I was to recommend, the movie should be watched with an adult by your side in case of any unexpected fear that comes. Adults who have children should be careful on the kind of film their children watches.


why do some people enjoy watching horror movie, despite the fear and anxiety they provoke.

At times people enjoy watching horror movie because of its suspense and unexpected fear and fright it brings to them. It also makes us understand the spiritual realm in a more easier way. Personally I enjoy watching horror movies but not at night because i am afraid of having nightmares of them so i prefer watching them in the day time Where the time is still bright.

Inviting @saintkelvin17 @mhizta @kidi40

Cc @pea07

Thanks for your time and going through my post

 3 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Que película tan fantástica es Anabelle y, no solo me gustó por la trama sino, los efectos especiales a nivel visual y de sonido. ¡Claro! Te confieso que solo me gustó la primera parte porque, las otras dos sentí que se tergiversó la trama.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚


Horror movies just have their way of messing with our psychology, especially at night.
Enjoyed reading your post.
All the best.

 3 months ago 

Thanks for your lovely comments on my post

You're welcome.

 3 months ago 

Hi @emmabay23
Thanks for promoting your post on X but your post privacy is restricted. Make it public so that we can excess your post. Thank you.

 3 months ago 

Greetings @pea07 i have corrected it and it is free to view by anybody

 3 months ago 

Please check up on it

I believe that Annabelle is a world wide one of the top most horror movie. I also like to watch it more and more time. I had enjoyed the time by reading your post.

 3 months ago 

Thanks for dropping your thoughts on my post

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