in HeartChurch3 years ago


if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1; 9

If we do, we have direct access to his presence and he hears us and answers all our prayers. Let us take into account all these considerations and enjoy the joy of being heard by our creator, blessings.

Have you felt that your prayers to God have not been answered as you hoped or desired? It is very important to know this happens in the light of God's word.

In the first place if there are hidden sins in us that will prevent God from answering because unconfessed sins are a huge barrier between us and because our God is holy. Isaiah 59; 2 says:


But your iniquities have made a division between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will not hear.

Another reason why our prayers are not answered is because we ask for what we want to receive without taking into account God's will, asking for what we want without taking into account what he wants for us hinders our prayer, first of John 5; 14 says,

And this is the confidence we have in him, that if we ask him for something according to his will, he hears us.

Asking according to his will de el shows God that we are submissive to him. Jesus gave us the example of him, the pray. Father, if you want, pass this cup from me, but not my will but yours. lucas 22; 42.

Another cause is having a root of bitterness in the heart, hatred and unforgiveness towards others, that is why in the prayer of our Father Jesus taught; and he forgives our offenses just as we forgive those who offend us, refuse to forgiving stops the answer to our prayer.

Also praying doubting prevents us from receiving an answer because doubt is a lack of faith and that is an offense to God, praying without doubting means having a firm belief in the loving nature of God. Hebrews 11; 6

But without faith it is impossible to please God, because it is necessary that whoever approaches God believes that there is him and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him.

There is a reward, there is an answer for those who do not doubt what they ask, God is pleased to respond to what he asks without doubting.


All these and others are causes of not receiving an answer to our prayers, but these obstacles can be resolved by drawing closer to God in a prayer characterized by confession and sincere repentance.
The psalmist David wrote in Psalm 66; 18:

If in my heart I had looked at iniquity, the Lord would not have listened to me. Our prayers are not answered even when we live according to the desires of the flesh, because living according to the desires of the flesh produces death and not blessing. being guided by the spirit we will be able to pray in an intimate communion with God.


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