Happiness. Attitude and decision

in Steem Schools3 years ago
Today many people live in a deep sadness and depression, it seems that their lives have lost meaning, for these people there is no reason to smile, to appreciate the good and wonderful that life offers us at every moment, for them happiness does not exist, it is a utopia, it is something they will never be able to achieve.

Source: pixabay.com


However, when I observe the lives of these people I stop to think that happiness, in my case, is not determined by the amount of money in my bank account, even if there is any, in material goods such as a house or a car, in the amount of studies I have accumulated, in the languages I speak and not even determined by the people who come or go out of my life. For me happiness is an attitude and a decision.


The day I decided to be happy in any circumstance I did it in the middle of a strong storm that threatened to sweep everything from my existence, the much or little I had, and in the middle of the chaos I stopped for a moment to think about what I was doing and why I was allowing external factors to determine whether I should be happy or not. At that moment I took a deep breath again and again, closed my eyes and concentrated on my own life, I saw myself in the middle of that situation and how I was withering away in the midst of wanting to please everyone and to achieve everything but what was truly important, to be happy for me and for me.


Source: pixabay.com

Do not think that this exercise of happiness is a selfish act, on the contrary, it is selfish to want to fulfill the goals, expectations, dreams and ideals of others. Being happy is based on embracing your capabilities and potential, on feeling that you have the reins of your life every new day, it is starting over and over again for me and all that I love and adore to do and be. To be happy is to remove the toxic from my environment, is to accept that whoever wants to be with me will be to share and add. To be happy is to decide that every moment is a valuable treasure and that I will not lose it in situations that cause me stress and anxiety.


Being happy is an attitude that drives us in a healthy way to create our peace and well-being, being happy is to be certain that it is not material goods that make you great, that your path to success is not made up of people or material goods that demand sacrifice and slavery from you. To be happy is not about pleasing others and their demands, to be happy is to be okay with your own existence, it is to embrace yourself every day and tell you what a wonderful and valuable person you are. To be happy is to decide that the reins of your life depend on the health of your thoughts and the brightness of your soul and that depends only on you.

Peace and life



I love the writeup. Thanks

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