Hello Steemit! (hay vínculo a la versión española) I will be sharing original songs, poetry, musings, and other art (in both English and Spanish). I'm a real motherfucker.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello! // ¡Hola!

TLDR: I do words and musics and I’m whimsical and clever and bilingual and philosophical and a real motherfucker; also I’m stoked to be here

** Esta publicación es en inglés (obvio). Puedas leer la versión en español AQUI. **

First off, here's a photo of me trying to look cool with my guitar: (photo: Makeda Sandford)

I'm Emilyann! I’ve been feeling a bit desperate (for lack of a better word?) (no, no, it is actually desperation I think…it’s just that calling it by its name makes it burn a little) for a new, different, better…um, appropriate platform for sharing my creative endeavors. I find that the inspiration and drive to keep creating that I get from simply having other people listen to my shit has a HUGE positive impact on my creative productivity, which in turn has a HUGE positive impact on my mental health / feelings of self-actualization. I’m new here (obviously), so I don’t really know yet, but I have this really strong feeling that I’m going to encounter a lot of motherfuckers on here who relate to that statement really hard, which is awesome. I need a place where I can just fucking be edgy and weird and not have to censor myself, not have to filter my soul through the artifice of bullshit So, yeah…I’m stoked about getting to know the Steemit community, and I’m hoping that the people I meet here will find some god damned meaning in what I have to offer.

I’m 23. I’m from the United States. I graduated from college a year ago, and a few weeks ago I moved from Asheville, NC to Buenos Aires, Argentina, kind of on a whim. I’d never even been to Argentina before, but here I am, starting my application for permanent resident status. I’m working on a dream or something, I don’t know. I’m really not sure, although I’m not sure really that I’m not sure. I’m trying to follow my passions but I have a lot of them. There are many directions and I am always going in some of them and sometimes in all of them, never really in one of them - do I sound like every 23-year-old you know, yet?

At heart, I’m staunchly of the weird, the silly, the absurd, the psychedelic persuasion. I’m a punk and a hippie at the same time - I’m dialectical - I believe in everything and nothing. I’m the girl next door, I’m the nerd with broken glasses crying under the bleachers, I’m captain of the cheer team, I’m the slut applying mascara in the bathroom; I’m…all of a sudden describing myself using analogies derived from ‘90s teen TV-show tropes?? I’m self-aware. Sometimes. I’m philosophical, sometimes pseudophilosophical. I think about politics a lot but I don’t talk about them. Too dialectical to form articulatable / accessible opinions, can anyone relate?

I dabble in my fair share of the normie shit; you know - working a job, paying rent, brushing my teeth, upgrading from PC to Mac, video-chatting my parents weekly, successfully resisting the urge to break out in gibberish arias on the subway, all that good stuff…I’ll spare you the bullshit, though. I plan to wholeheartedly let my freak flag fly here (mom’s not on Steemit yet).

I can get down with nihilists, cynics, and vehement atheists just as well as I can get down with the mystics, yogis, and preachers of love and light. You might catch me wallowing in the void of existense one minute and reading my horoscope on astrobarry.com the next. You might find me kneeling in a church with 666 tattooed on my right ass cheek. You might see me at the grocery store wearing pajamas and bright red lipstick.

I’m also a damn sensitive ol’ sap when it comes down to it. I love feeling feelings and thinking about feelings and writing about feelings.

Okay, here’s the part where I tell you what I actually DO (creatively speaking):

I sing - that’s my number one favorite activity in life. I write - that’s my number two favorite activity in life. Lo and behold, I'm a singer-songwriter. (I also play guitar.) I also write poetry, prose, and academic essays. I have also been known to create elaborate visual pieces of art (typically abstract portraits of people I grow very fond of). I geek out over linguistics and I love studying languages. I often write in multiple languages. I also love making up new words. I love word-play, puns and one-liners.

I started recording my songs in 2014. I’ve released three EPs and one full album since then. (You can listen to my recorded songs at emilyannemiliana.bandcamp.com). I’ve just recently started taking the first tentative baby-steps toward potentially turning my passion for song-writing and performing into some sort of “career” (whatever that means). This means trying to wrap my head around all these things that make me feel uncomfortable, like the idea of “branding” myself, creating an “image” that can “sell.” Meh. I resolve to do the best I can without compromising authenticity; we’ll see how it goes.

What you can expect from me: I will make a post each week. I will typically be sharing a song (in video format), and a chunk of text to go along with the song. I will be sharing old and new songs, and maybe even unfinished songs that I am in the process of writing. The songs I share will mostly be originals, but I might share a cover here and there if I feel compelled to do so. It may not always be a song - it might be a poem or a story from my life or something else - but it will usually be a song. For each post I write, I will then write a translation into Spanish that I will post a few days after.

Here's a photo of me right now (looking less cool) (but still being cool):

Photo on 8-25-17 at 2.11 AM.jpg

If you actually read this whole post, you are a damn champ and I love you. (Heck, okay, I love you even if you didn’t read the whole post.)(You just don't know it yet.)


Welcome to Steem @emilyannemiliana I have upvoted and sent you a tip

I know Emily in real life and got to listen to her sing her original songs a few times. I lover her music so much, so I felt inspired to invite her to steemit. Love your first post already, girl! Keep dat creativity comin to the world! <3

Thanks pretty Britty <3 <3

Welcome! Hope you enjoy Steemit! Keep posting and you will see how good is this community. I am a Brazilian writer and journalist living in London. Here I post about photography, travelling and stories. Have a look at my profile and if you like it, follow me. Cheers!

Oh, hell yeah! I looked at your blog and I followed you :)

¡Hola, @emilyannemiliana!

Te invito a que te unas al chat Trail Hispano en Discord en donde podrás compartir tus posts y hablar con toda la comunidad.

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y he votado este post.

Nuevamente, te doy la bienvenida a Steemit y no dudes en contestar este comentario si tienes alguna duda.

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Hola! Me uní al chat en discord y he estado intentando de enviar una publicación al #trail, pero el bot no está aceptándola porque dice que mi nombre de usuario en el chat es diferente de mi nombre de usuario en steemit...pero, no es!! Puedas ayudarme?

welcome to the Steemit Community, @Emilyannemiliana ! Wish you much luck! Cheers! Follow me at @khunpoom

Hey, thanks...are you a real person??

Argentina ? crazy do you work there ?

Hola! I don't have a job yet because right now I'm earning a certification to teach English! I'll finish the course at the end of this week and then start looking for a job :) are you a real person, by the way??

yes, no robot ai here if you read any of my posts you will know by my poor grammar

very cool by the way .

me gusta tu estilo saludos

Holaaa :) gracias por decir algo. He publicado la versión en español si quieras verla. Y, tú eres una persona de verdad??

Bienvenido/a a Steemit! El mayordomo de la comunidad Hispanohablante te saluda!!

No te olvides de poner el tag spanish en tus posts.

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Steemit FAQ #1
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Hemos creado tambien un chat en discord donde interactuamos los unos con los otros y nos promocionamos.

Chat @cervantes en Discord !!!
Y no te pierdas los audioconferencias entre los miembros cervantiles y los canales de promocion por categorias


Tambien estamos en Steemitchat https://steemit.chat/channel/HispanoHablantes

CONCURSO CERVANTES: Regalamos un viaje al SteemFest2 al finalista
valorado en 2000 SBD!!!


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Este bot de bienvenida fue creado por @moisesmcardona para el equipo @cervantes basado en el script original de @felixxx

greetings from Aruba @emilyannemiliana welcome to steemit and i hope you enjoy it here,i'll be looking foward to read more from you :)

Wow, Aruba! Cool! Thanks for reading my post. You seem like a real person...are you a real person for real?? It's hard for me to tell still haha

hahaha yes i am a real person for real lol

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