The kind of relationship that GOD is willing to have with us.

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)


Hello dear friends of the @steemchurch community, today I want to share a valuable topic that I read about the relationship we have with God and with us. There are two types of birth the birth we all know that our parents give us and the birth of god in spirit, this last birth represents that relationship we have with God which will allow us to enter the kingdom of heaven and guarantee eternal life.

John 1: 12-13
"But to all who received him, to those who believe in his name, he gave them the right to become children of God; who are not begotten of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. "

There are different types of relationship that one can have. One of them, and without doubt one of the most transcendental, is the relationship that links us with those from which we were born. However, simultaneously of them which we think are because we hear them at birth (our human parents), there is someone else from whom one can also be born. Who is he? The answer is GOD.

Those people who believe in the Name that God has placed on our ability to believe, and which we will see later, ARE SONS OF GOD and ARE BORN OF GOD. In other words, there are two births that man can have. One of his human parents and the other of God.

To enter the kingdom of God it is necessary to "be born again". As for the phrase "born again", it is the translation of the Greek phrase "gennetheanothen" which means "born from above" where the word "above" is set by God who is "above". In other words, "born from above" means "born of God," who is above.

John 3: 4-5 "Nicodemus said to him: How can a man be born being old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb, and be born? Jesus answered: Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he can not enter the kingdom of God. "
There are two births that one should have to enter the kingdom of God. One is the birth of water, where the word "water" is placed for the first birth which as we shall see later is also called the birth of the flesh. This is the birth that all people have, the birth of our human parents. However, apart from this birth there is also talk of a second birth, the birth of the Spirit.


John 3: 6-8 "What is born of the flesh is flesh; and what is born of the Spirit, spirit is. Do not be surprised that I told you: It is necessary for you to be born again. The wind blows where it wants, and you hear its sound; but you do not know where it comes from or where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit. "

As in the first birth, the birth of the human parents, we obtained what they are, that is, flesh, so in the second birth, the birth from above, or from God we get what the father of this birth is, this is , Spirit. And as the five senses, the flesh that we inherited from the first birth, makes it possible for us to communicate with our human parents, so also the spirit that we inherited from the second birth enables us to communicate with our spiritual father, God.


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