Use of bacteria to recycle waste gases

in Project HOPE4 years ago
The idea is to use the power of bacteria to convert carbon monoxide into gases of greater economic value.

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Bacteria that consume CO would be a great ally in the face of climate change. Source: image edited by @emiliomoron, original from

As we know, carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas for the human being, it is capable of killing a person who inhales it in a matter of minutes, however, there are some microorganisms that are not only capable of tolerating it but also of using its reducing power for their metabolic functions. Such is the case of the bacterium Clostridium autoethanogenum, this bacterium has the ability to use CO as the only source of carbon and energy to grow, so this organism could become a biotechnological tool to be used in the bioremediation of CO-rich waste gases, and produce biofuels. Under this approach, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen have made an interesting discovery, the results of which were shown in the journal Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Bioenergetics.

In many industries, we see how waste gases made up mainly of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, gases that we know are responsible for the greenhouse effect, are vented into the atmosphere on a daily basis from their chimneys. But this could soon change thanks to the power of these CO-eating bacteria. In the work presented, the scientists managed to characterize structurally and biochemically the key enzyme of CO conversion metabolism: CO-Dehydrogenase/Acetyl-CoA synthase (CODH/ACS). This acetogenic-type bacteria uses the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway for carbon fixation and energy conservation, a primary metabolism responsible for up to 20% of global CO2 fixation.

According to the researchers, in the Clostridium autoethanogenum the enzyme CODH/ACS has not only one but several openings. In this way it is able to collect as much CO as possible and lead it to a whole system of tunnels that ensures a high flow of carbon monoxide conversion towards energy conservation and carbon monoxide assimilation, acting as a cellular energy plant. And at the end of the process, acetate and ethanol are generated, which can be used to produce biofuels.

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Bacteria would act as biocatalysts in the conversion of CO into higher value products. Source: image designed by @emiliomoron, contains public domain image.

Without a doubt, the study of this complex behavior, drives to investigate if there are other systems that can adapt to this application, and by understanding how evolution shaped these enzymes to adjust to such extreme physiological needs, will allow to develop in the future a series of biocatalysts that serve as a tool to fight climate change. That although it is difficult to reverse, it could be possible to produce fuels with a minimum contribution of CO and CO2 to the environment, since biofuels produced by bacteria that previously consumed these gases would be burned.

Thanks for coming by to read friends, I hope you liked the information. See you next time.


Technology is revolving day by day and helping the world at large

Let's hope that progress like this will help us to mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases

Hello friend, I think it is a magnificent discovery, anything to improve our quality of life should be welcome. Unfortunately we humans do not realize the damage we do to the planet and therefore to ourselves.

Certainly it is a great advance, let's hope we can put it into practice, since as you say it is for our own cause that we have this situation.

This is an innovative way of using bacteria to help the environment, this would help the planet enormously and could serve as a basis for using them in different ways such as with water pollution, it is good to see new technologies coming out that help the planet and slow down its destruction.

Yes, it is very encouraging to find advances like this, hopefully to see their development and implementation, and that their use can be replicated in other media.

Good article, one of the problems that these technologies face is the profitability for the owners of industries and governments that for them it is easier to pollute than to take care of the planet.

All the reason in it, for that reason besides the technology it is necessary the will of wanting to use it.

Greetings friend @emiliomoron.

A great content that you share with us in this opportunity related to the use of bacteria for the recycling of waste gases.
An interesting method where it is important to highlight what you express:

The idea is to use the power of bacteria to convert carbon monoxide into gases of greater economic value.

A well-structured post that allows us to understand the bacteria acting as biocatalysts in the conversion of CO into higher value products.

Excellent approach to the shared topic, thank you for continuing to nourish us with such important content. Success for you and your family.

Thank you very much friend @rbalzan79, certainly a much needed approach at this time, thank you for appreciating the content. My best regards to you and your family.

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