People asked him, saying: So, what shall we do?

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Dear Community! I'm sure it would make you happy to be in a place where people voluntarily show their desire to know what they should do to improve things in their life, in their family, in their work, etc.

A similar episode I found today when I opened my bible and got a real scene. A spiritual awakening seemed to be in action in the Nation of Israel, after 400 years of silence... 400 years of silence? Yes, some scholars say that the white page that divides the old testament of the new one, are those 400 years of silence, there was no vision at that time, there was no prophet to guide the people, it was a spiritual darkness that everyone did what they did best it seemed to him.

Does not that sound similar? Science wants to get God out of their investigations, religious want to show interpretations in their own way, terrorist groups destroy all Christian symbols and kill innocents, supposedly out of love for what they consider an order of their god... Christian Alert !!!

Returning to Israel, a light began to shine in the midst of that darkness, a man named Juan in simple and somewhat wild clothes, burnt by the desert sun, lit the wick and those around him felt a twinge in his heart , bringing to their memories that they were wrong before God. John was not the light, but he was the one who opened the way for the light of the world to appear: Jesus Christ.

Therefore, their consciences made them express the following story:

people asked him, saying: So, what shall we do? And answering, he said unto them, He that hath two coats shall give to him that hath none; and the one who has something to eat, do the same. Some publicans also came to be baptized, and they said to him: Master, what shall we do? He said to them, "Do not demand more than what you are commanded. They also asked some soldiers, saying: And we, what shall we do? And he said to them: Do not extortion to anyone, nor slander; and content yourself with your salary.
Luke 3: 10-14


The present exhortation, with its very specific indications, is the answer that the Baptist gives to those people of good will. In reference to this detail, Luke wants to help us understand better than the conversion of the heart, required to go to meet Jesus, does not consist of beautiful words and sentimentality, but in doing the will of God and above all in loving our neighbor, in solidarity with him concretely and sharing our goods when he lacks what is necessary: ​​food, clothing, home, assistance, etc.

It is the same as Jesus will teach later.
The Christian life does not consist in fundamentally long prayers and strenuous penances; It does not demand that we change our work or profession unless it is bad in itself, but that we practice love for our neighbor in the activity we do and in the state of life in which we live.

Whoever has two tunics, give one to what he does not have; and who has to eat, do the same.

Remember, and answering, he said to them: He who has two tunics, give to the one who does not have; and the one who has something to eat, do the same.
Luke 3:11

Thank you for reading this brief reflection, I am your brother in Christ: @emiliocabrera


Brother Emilio had not really known anyone who interpreted the Bible in such a way and who in turn would get the message in the most specific and explicit way. That spiritual silence of God for us I associate with respect to the triumph of Jesus on the cross and the benefit of free will, I have always thought about that point, and much more knowing that for God one day is like a century and a century As one day, perhaps God is giving us the opportunity to lead us by our own convictions to see where we are coming from. And that verse from Luke, it will stay forever recorded because I feel it as part of me, especially the question of the soldiers:

"...They also asked some soldiers, saying: And we, what shall we do? And he said to them: Do not extortion to anyone,..."

As a public official I have always carried the banner of integrity and no to corruption and its derivatives although this has brought me problems and many enemies, and I will continue to promote those values ​​wherever I am. Thank you for teaching us such great things

Thank you brother Rubén, I appreciate your words ... my best posts come up when I sit down to meditate on God and his word, the Holy Spirit explains us in the simplest way the biblical facts. I congratulate you, the righteous cause trouble for the corrupt, but God defends them from evil. Thanks for your good contribution.

They say that every day new things are learned, today I learned about the white page that divides the two testaments and the 400 years of divine silence. It is incredible that two tunics are enough to share, when our shop windows are full of clothes that many may need. Wonderful Reflection Emilio.

Interesting interpretation of my post, sister, it would be good to give something of our coats to anyone who needs it.

How different this world would be if this were fulfilled in its entirety, it is true that there are many believers who fulfill the will of our Father but others have selfishness in their hearts, even many who call themselves Christians, but there is a remnant that does comply with What God has established in his word, we should be an example for them and love our neighbor.

If sister, with a little remnant in action, we can shelter and feed many!

Thank you for sharing this insightful topic with us. As believers, we are to follow the teaching of christ as it is centered in love. Fasting and prayers will help us grow but without love, all is in futility. The lord is with you sir.

Well said Sirmiraculous, with love nothing will stop you.

Excellent reflection friend @emiliocabrera in effect is how you reflect it in your post, you need more actions of faith, love and peace in the world instead of talking about what they will do without demonstrating, today society, humanity, the world We must show that if we can be better, we can only achieve this by demonstrating our spirit of humility, keeping faith with God.

important to teach our son to be good neighbor helping others

Yes Friend, and it is these actions that reveal the true am

Certainly brother, when people show willingness to do things right, it is a big step for the construction of a healthy community manifested the love of God. We must share

Your words contain the key, will to do things with love! Thank you

brother blessings we must all have the will to help our neighbor.

If you want, we can Amis! Thanks

love is proven with deeds God bless you

Yes Angelystovar! Amen =

God bless you is a harsh reality that daily lives our country and that at this time also the children of Dis besides the prayers do jobs that help people to get ahead would be excellent loving the being that God can transform into the

Yes Oswaldo, together we can do a lot!

Best friend emiliocabrera impossible, that excellent reflection and much more even in these difficult times and scarce where the neighbor requires our help and if you have a little more than what you need. Congratulations for this teaching and reminder of the messages that God left us.

Thank you, sister Maria! Without a doubt, we have to live and extend our hands to help! I'm waiting to read your post 😄

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