in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago (edited)

Little white dog on a leash out for a walk.

Furball and I set out for our walk to see what we could see. Our mission was to take notice of things we walk by every day but don't notice.

One of the first things we spotted was a Direct TV dish taken down from a roof. It looks like it will be put out in the trash later this week. We often don't think about satellite dishes, but they are everywhere. I have one on my roof, and I haven't had Direct TV service in years!

Direct TV dish that has been removed from a roof.

Next, we saw an Emergency Fire Box on a telephone pole. There are several of them in the area. It made me wonder about their history. Curiosity got the better of me, and I looked up their history.

They were invented in Boston in 1852, by William Francis Channing and Moses G. Farmer. They used the telegraph lines to send an alarm because telephones didn’t exist at the time. Fire boxes are still around in the event of a natural disaster or power outage.

Emergency Fire Box on a telephone pole.

Then I noticed a Don't Dump sign in the sidewalk right by a street run off grate. I wonder how long it has been there and does the storm water run still go into the Charles River. Shockingly, the answer is yes. I found a recent article Polluted Runoff Threatens Charles River by the Conservation Law Foundation that they are working on trying to get help from the Federal government to decrease the amount of polluted water that ends up in the Charles River.

Don't dump down the storm runoff grate sign, cemented in the sidewalk.

Taking part in the Walk Wednesday challenge has been an eye-opener. Thank you, @tattoodjay for this challenge. Since I opened with a picture of Furball, it seems fitting to close with another dog image. This one is of a dog statue we encountered on our walk.

Dog statue wear a hat and sunglasses.

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Glad your enjoying the Wednesday walk and what cool/things you found today I love coming across those old fire thingies and rusted signs

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

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