Introducing Myself Part 1 - Just The Basic Facts

Greetings from paradise...

Howdy Steemite community! I joined Steemit about a week ago after seeing a recommendation by Tony Sayers (@tonysayers33) on Facebook. I've finally managed to read most of the 'rules', instructions, tips, FAQ'S, examples and even some posts! Before I comment on my experience so far, let me introduce myself:


My name is Ingrid, and I live in a little drinking town with a fishing problem, on the south coast of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa :) It's a tropical paradise with all the wonders you would expect: lush green foliage, brightly coloured blooms, balmy weather, mostly harmonious bird song and warm cerulean waves. As with any outlook in life, balancing these joys are sometimes exotic and unidentifiable insects of WTF! size and physiology, a rampantly mischievous vervet monkey community, the impossibly futile task of maintaining a well manicured garden and the occasional freak weather conditions where the rain and wind conspire to eradicate all signs of human civilisation. But we do love it here and I count myself very privileged to be able to call it home.


Continuing in the same vein of balance in all things, I work in an IT based corporate environment in a nearby city, whilst releasing my creative side after hours. My interests are the opposite of my earning occupation and include hiking, poetry, reading, psychedelia and esoterica, 80s alternative music, Japanese room escape games, feather lashes, cooking and food, and self healing.

I have been quite impressed with what I've seen on Steemit so far. Besides some interesting articles and creativity, it is the community concept that has most amazed me. If only the world was like the Steemite community! Self governance and policing, kindness and encouragement, friendliness and caring, NO BORDERS, sharing of information and experiences. All the basic decency and all the positivity that should exist in real life!

I joined Steemit as a pioneer for a few friends who need a source of income that is off the beaten track, as well as a platform for expressing ideas, opinions and theories that are very far off the beaten track, in fact, so deep in the bushes, you need you'd probably need a machete to find your way out!


And I thank you for your attention, and I'm outta here!
(quote partially, mostly, attributed to Kurt Vonnegut's Armaggedon In Retrospect... with a modern twist)



Ha, "Japanese room escape games, feather lashes", never heard of all that, might be a language issue, awaiting further clarification posts, much love

Hahahaha! No, it's not a language issue, you make it sound it bit off center though, I can almost picture the summation of my life: "She was a feather lasher and Japanese Room Escapee" :) what a star you are for making me laugh! Thank you for the idea though - a post on Japanese Room Escape games, I know there are many fans worldwide. Love & gratitude brother <3

welcome dear @emeraldearth Hope you have a great time here

Thanks so much, I'm sure I will ;)

'Far-out' you little hippy you :) Welcome to steemit. Hope you enjoy it here. Perseverance is the key. Good luck. I have a solutions page that has some handy tips for new steemians. if you want to look its @team-solutions. Tag any work with that and I will promote it on that page. Peace to you and yours

Thank you :) I'll definitely have a look and thanks for the advice about perseverance. I'm a great starter but sometimes I run out of steem after a while ;) will keep at it! Peace to you too brother!

Just be as active as you can and don't forget to get involved if you like someones post. steemit can be a great community. Good luck.

Gratitude and appreciation wise owl!

welcome to steemit. Nice photos and it does look like a tropical paradise

welcome to steemit @emeraldearth, really enjoyed your intro, it's best to take your time and find the things that interest you. engaging with others on their blogs also helps to get yourself seen. resteemed x

Thank you Aishlinn! Being a bit of an introvert by nature , I know it doesn't seem like that :) it's been quite a challenge to put up the intro, but I did it YAY! I appreciate your advice and assistance, much gratitude <3

No problem, it can be a bit overwhelming at first but there are some great communities on here.

Welcome on board - great to meet you and love the photos :)

Thank you! It's great to meet you too. I love your life mission. I have some interesting experiences to share around self healing, which I hope to post soon, I salute what you do!

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Welcome to the best community on earth. Prepare yourself for addiction.

Thank you dear! I am soooo impressed with the great community spirit on Steemit, it really cheers my heart, feels like a glimpse of Utopia. Thanks for the advice about addiction - I can surely imagine how easy it must be to sink into this wonderful realm of caring souls...I shall have to curb my desires with chocolate and vodka ;)

It's a really incredible community. I can't even begin to describe the love, the support, and the education I get in here. Glimpse of Utopia is a really apt description. We live in a rum country, but you know, same, same, but different.

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