The State and You. An Introduction To Illusion Based Mindcontrol - Part 3.

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

This post is an extension of part 1
and part 2

Before we further explore the mechanics behind illusion based mindcontrol I want to highlight a few things from part 1 and 2.

  • Santa Claus is not real. Believing in him causes one to believe in an illusion.
  • Illusions are spawned in the realm of imagination, caused by altering what is perceived as true in reality, with something that is not true.
  • Unreality can not and never will be created into exsistence, by acting upon an idea from "unreality/false imagination".
  • That which is not true is illusion.
  • Challenging a false belief with truth creates tension.
  • Tension can create cognitive dissonance.

Holding this information in the back of our mind, before venturing further is important.

Because I intent to put tension on an illusion that is widely out of control, as it is feared and therefore ignored. Just like the illusion caused by believing in Santa Claus is conducted by individuals, so is the illusion I want to introduce you to.

Exatcly like Santa, the unreality of the illusion is based in falsehood. Illusions can not be real, which is the very nature of an illusion. Hence we can penetrate it by acquiring the key knowledge that will dispell it.

The illusion

There is no State (that which a citizen belongs to). It is an impossibility in the construct we exsist in. A state is an idea acted upon by individuals. No matter how hard the idea is perceived as reality, how many believe in the idea or how powerful the individuals who engage in the idea have become, - will it forever be impossible for man to create a state in reality. Man can not summon an idea into manifestation itself, only act upon it. That is the state illusion where those who believe, become a character or person in that illusion. An artificial self where the state is the parent of that artificial self, resulting in failure between discerning between fact and fiction by disrupting the connection to reality - dividing reality and man apart.


Like Santa Claus the state does not become real because mom and dad say they work for the state. They are merely playing, as in pretending that their actions and behavior takes place within a state, and not that the state is taking place within them. Unaware mostly for sure but that does not help them escape the nature of their thinking nor actions.

This inversion of reality can be understood more easily by recalling what is going on when children are playing cowbows and indians. They are pretending, playing and engaging in actions, in reality, empowered by their imagination. But the child knows that it is pretending and playing. And does not carry the made up state of mind with him, after he finished playing. He is able to detach and separate in mind the difference between, pretence and reality. And thereby disengage is actions aligned to those actions, the child imagine a cowboy should do.

When it comes to the state, most adults that see themselves as a part of the state, has forgotten or does not understand this dynamic and unavoidable fact, that they are acting on an idea of a state and not acting in the domain of the idea and the state itself.

There is a critical difference between the two perceptions. The first acknowledge the fact that ideas are not physical and therefore in agreement with other observeable objective facts in reality. Where the second perceives reality as an idea held in one owns mind, where actions become ideas and ideas become action.


The state can act and your actions are ideas.
The state gives security to its citizen, where the citizen is the ideology that man belongs to a state. And thus man becomes assimilated by the illusion of the state and is therefore under the spell of illusion based mindcontrol, set on him to change his behavior. He now sees himself through the eyes of state ideology, affecting him to perceive himself as a subject to ideology -Expecting the promised rewards for his belief as a part of the very nature, function and law in reality itself. After all it is his right.

What is going on?

The illusion is casted by altering reality to a state of mind, where the very state of mind is something perceived to be existence itself. This is the bluebrint of solipsism as it shift the perceived source of creation towards a phantom of mans own mind, instead of that which is caused this world to be. Let that be God, Big Bang, Aliens or other generating force you otherwise believe in. The concept is to hijack and invert the perception of where we are, what we are and who we are. As long as you believe in God under the state or Big Bang under the state or Aliens under the state, you will still be under the influence of a solipsistic perception.

How can we verify this in our own mind?
In order for the state to be real it must have an expression beyond that which is abstract, so that it can be identified and understood as a logical entity in physical reality, of where it is supposed to be (exsist). I can easily locate that which is named a table in reality, but never the state. I can smell the rose and identify it: What it is and where it is.

So where is the concrete state? Is it the building that is the state and then which one is it? Does a new building cause a new state?

Is the state an individual or group of individuals? How can an individual become a state? How did the first state become an individual. Can you please point me towards the state so I can see touch and smell it. Can I speak with him the state? He who gives work to others, feed the hungry, heal the sick and build the roads?

These are all questions meant to make an inquiry of specific information, that will help direct where to look. The point is that there is no state, only us, we the individuals who makes things work. No state has ever done surgery, grown corn or build any roads what so ever. All that is allegedly created by the state was already there or is created by the individual and not the other way around.

You simply can not do that

The state is as pointed out, an idea of which individuals participate in, by acting upon that idea in reality. This does however not manifest their idea into reality, but actions aligned with the idea is (manifested).

Just like children playing. It is pretence, a game. Their actions and behavior are being done (being manifested) in reality but not their vivid playful imagination of their actions and enviroment.

The illusion of the state is designed to change the behavior of individuals into conformity with the idea of other individuals. Just like some parents see fit to deceive and lie about Santa Claus to their own child, in order to alter his behavior, so will those who see themselves as the father figure of others try to control their "children's" (those that they seek to control) behavior.


Everything is about knowing ourselves. Who we are. What we are. Where we are. When we are. When we do there is not enough illusionary trickery in the world or evil, that can invoke psychic ownership over us and endarken our minds with false ideology and inverted reality.


Understanding is deserved through knowledge and earned by knowing what is correct and what is incorrect about that knowledge.


Mindcontrol seeks to control the aspects of mind of which directs the narrative in our minds. This is done by targeting key positions of knowledge and pervert it to cause fear, ignorance, confusion and chaotic behavior that can be influenced and bend, to the will of those who know and understand, but choose to abuse their position, by exploiting what they have learned.

Part 4 will explore the dynamics of statolatry invoked by illusion based mindcontrol.


There is no State (that which a citizen belongs to). It is an impossibility in the construct we exsist in. A state is an idea acted upon by individuals. No matter how hard the idea is perceived as reality, how many believe in the idea or how powerful the individuals who engage in the idea have become, - will it forever be impossible for man to create a state in reality. Man can not summon an idea into manifestation itself, only act upon it.

I need to clarify some things here.

Man CAN summon an idea into manifestation itself by his actions. That is how it works. First a fork was an idea, then it was manifested. Of course they don't "manifest themselves"... how could they... they only exist in our minds at first. We need to act on them. The same is true for government. We all act in a way of living that has government and state ideas used as our way of life. We have created it into existence. The truth, or morality, don't exist in themselves, they are ideas we use to describe aspects of reality. Just like government is for a way of living.

Here are some infographics I've made in the past, because I've seen the arguments that the state pr govt is an illusion, but it's not true. By the same standards, truth itself is an illusion. This is a result of confused thinking.




Love this subject, everyone needs to get their eyeballs on it! May i suggest an edit to the heading 'You simple can not do that'.

Really excellent work, looking forward to future posts.

Thank you for the correction and the kind words. I think it is a touchy subject to speak about for many, but I tend to agree on what you said! We need more eyes and minds to study, witness and observe this dynamic.

Very cool post - need to see more of that :)

Thank you :) More will come!

Great post! You should checkout the @mindunleashed! 🐣

Hey @mindunleashed and thank you :)

I did and now follow. I am still working on a reply to the comments above . I am cought up in other work at the time being, but if this subject has your attention I think you will like what will come next : )

Thanks @embraceurdialect! Followed you as well, your content is VERY interesting. The mindcontrol stuff is right down my alley. Touché!

Nice post! I up voted you. Follow me I'll follow you, guys. 100%

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