Just a Smile

in #wafrica6 years ago (edited)

Just as bread goes with butter, so am I with my signature smile.

"A smile doesn't cost anything, but it achieves a lot. It pleases those who receive it, and harmless to those who give it. Although it is short-lived, its memory lasts forever".

These are the words that turned me to the queen of smile.

For those who knew me growing up, the smiling me seems unbeliveable.

As a child, it took so much effort to squeeze out what appeared like a smile from me. It was so bad that i was nicknamed bones- the hard looking girl that required much effort before my face cracked into a smile.

The turning point in my life, was when my mum bought a painting titled - 'Just a Smile', and hung it directly opposite my bed.

It was the first thing i saw waking up and the last before going to bed. My photographic brain captured every detail in the painting .

There was a little black girl with a very big smile that reflected in her young inquisitive eyes, and below were the words quoted above.

The image of the girl always flashed in my head, I wished I could be as cute as she was.

I remember, the only explanation my little head could come up with, as the reason the child was so cute, was her smile.

So I resolved to always smile.

Now that i am grown, i see the truth in those words on the painting. A smile is the strongest weapon everyone has, that could melt even the hardest of hearts.

A genuine smile is one that can be seen in the eyes, it is infectious and evokes good feelings. It indicates positive emotions, such as amusement, happiness, and pleasure. It serves as a balm that soothes a troubled heart.

The best part of a smile is that, it is absolutely free!

The more you smile,the more your facial muscles attunes to it and it comes naturally, with little or less effort.

It acheives a lot- part of which is better health, better relationship with others, reduces wrinkles and gives a younger look, increases your life span.....and a lot more benefits.

Always remember, it's just a smile!!!

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