Prophecies for the end times: the mark of the beast

in #sc-v5 years ago


Revelation 13: 16-18

And he made all, small and large, rich and poor, free and slaves, put a mark on the right hand or on the forehead, and that no one could buy or sell, except the one with the mark or name of the beast . or your name number Here is wisdom. He who has understanding counts the number of the beast, because he is the number of man. And his number is six hundred sixty-six.

Dear reader, whether or not you are interested in the subject of the prophecies of recent times, this does not detract from the purpose of God in your task of enforcing what you have promised with the best intention that all men escape for their salvation. . .

In the book of Revelation reference is made to the number of the antichrist, 666 (Revelation 13:18).
The "six" represents man in biblical numerology, on the verge of the perfect because the "seven" symbolizes perfection. Then, the number 666 can refer to the quintessence of humanism. The revelation tells us that the number 666, or the mark of the antichrist, will be stamped on each person's hand and forehead during the reign of the antichrist.

The forehead represents our desires, our will, while the hand symbolizes our activities. Somehow, the antichrist will leave his mark on people everywhere, having them serve him with his mind and his actions. It would not be unusual for the antichrist to impose control of the world population (Rev. 13: 16-17).

The Bible warns us that if we have the mark of the beast, we will have its terrible destiny (Revelation 14:11). No one should fear to carry "by accident" the mark of the beast. Accepting it implies "worshiping" the Beast (Rev. 13:15), and the decision would be so obvious that it would be a case of life or death. However, we must remain alert, because if we consider the forehead as the center of the will and the hand as a symbol of what we do, the brand is more than a technological device. What we really talk about is who we partner with. In real terms, the spirit of the antichrist is already active (1 Jn 2:18). Will we deliver our mind and our work to the spirit of the world? If our covenant is with God, we will not serve the antichrist, and his mark will not leave his mark on us.


Excellent @elpastor the purpose of God is that we be informed of his word and that we are understood of the times so that we may live as wise and not as fools

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