Let us praise God, for he preserves and prospers us. Psalm 144

in HeartChurch3 years ago

God has a very special care for those who invoke his name, so much is his care for his people, that he protects them in times of battle, gives them victory and prospers them.
In times of combat, God prepares his people and trains them to emerge victorious from the hard fight. God is our shield, fortress, castle and deliverer. Trust in God causes our mouths to be filled with praise for God's care and protection in difficult battles.

Blessed be the Lord, my rock,
who trains my hands for battle
and my fingers for war;
2 My mercy and my strength,
My strength and my deliverer,
My shield, in whom I trust;
Who upholds my people under me. Psalms 144: 1-2

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In Psalm 144, King David describes his full confidence in God in the strong moments of battle.
David's trust in the Lord gave him the assurance that God was his castle, his fortress, his mighty rock and his deliverer.
In the times of persecution in David's life, his hope was in the Lord. David trusted that the Lord would bring his hand down from heaven with thunder and lightning to get rid of all his enemies. David trusted that in the difficult battles God would preserve his soul and the souls of his people.

O Lord, bow down your heavens and come down;
Touch the mountains and make them smoke.
6 Send forth lightning and scatter them,
Send out your arrows and shoot them down.
7 Send your hand from on high
Redeem me, and bring me up out of the many waters
from the hand of strangers. Psalm 144: 5-7

In David's life there were many persecutions, both by Saul and Absalom, however, David was confident that from the heavens, the Lord used all his weapons to defeat David's enemies.

There are times of difficulties in the life of Christians, however, to trust fully in God as David did is to enjoy the victory that comes from God.
Let us not forget that God preserves the lives of his children and his people. God fights our battles, therefore, God fills our mouths with praise. No matter the time of war or battle, for the Lord will make the heavens thunder to come to our defense.

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A song of deep praise came from David's heart as he saw the mighty hand of God delivering him from his enemies. David sang and played the musical instruments and his praise to God was continually in his mouth.
Singing to God as he fights our battles comforts our soul and our heart. We should praise God at all times, whether in times of peace or in times of war. David praised God and said:

O God, to you I will sing a new song;
I will sing to you with the psaltery, with the psaltery, with the descaccordion.
10 Thou who givest victory to kings
who rescues his servant David from the evil sword.
11 Rescue me, and deliver me out of the hand of strange men
Whose mouth speaks vanity
And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood. Psalm 144: 9-11

God is to be praised with a new song and with musical instruments. God enjoys the praise of his people and gives victory to his children and delivers them from strange men who speak vanity and wickedness.

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God not only preserves his children and his people from wicked and bloodthirsty men, but he also takes care to prosper those who call upon and praise his name. Prosperity comes from God, who delights to bless the children of men who serve and praise him.

God blesses our family and makes our children in their youth beautiful, radiant and intelligent. God beautifies our children with his great salvation and prospers our whole house. God promises that we shall not lack any good thing, for the Lord takes care of all our needs.
Our children in God's hands are like plants grown and corners hewn like those of a palace.

May our sons be like plants grown in their youth,
Our daughters are like the carved corners of a palace;
13 May our barns be full, filled with every kind of grain;
May our cattle multiply by thousands and tens of thousands in our fields;
14 May our oxen be strong for work;
Let us have no assault, nor let us make a sortie,
Nor cry for alarm in our streets. Psalm 144: 12-14

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It is a great joy to know that God takes care of us and prospers us. God takes care of blessing his people and makes sure that nothing is lacking in the lives of his children. Our only mission as God's people is to praise him and to always recognize that God is worthy of supreme praise.
David said:

Blessed are the people who have this;
Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord. Psalm 144: 15

If we want to count on God's protection and prosperity, we must be sure that God is our only and sufficient God. We must put aside anything that would take away God's first place in our lives. God is worthy of praise, therefore, the people who praise him and have him as their God will always enjoy his care and prosperity.

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