Education: "School problems in adolescence".

in #steemiteducation5 years ago



Often there are many young people who express the problems of their adolescent stage in their studies and in the choice of their career. It is not uncommon to see significant reductions in school performance, changes in preferences or wishes to leave school. Academic problems are often among the main concerns of parents. And therefore, they are one of the causes of confrontation between parents and children.

In the present study we will review some aspects that accentuate the academic problems in adolescence.


1. The loss of interest in the studies.

The young man seems to wake up to a new series of possibilities. He wants to be safe and independent, and with the opportunity to experience sensations much more interesting than studies. Therefore, the focus is on other interests: opposite sex, motorcycles, discos, clothes, music ... and even drugs and crime, hence the great importance of parental control and supervision for their adolescent children.



2. Get the attention of your parents.

Other times, the adolescent fails academically in an attempt to get his parents' attention, which may be due to the unconscious need for support. The teenager knows that by taking the suspense home, parents will worry about him, talk to him and even punish him. And in any case, it will be the center of family attention for a day.
Other times this attention call responds to a kind of revenge for family dissatisfaction. He is frustrated by the treatment his parents give him or by the circumstances in the home, and "catigates" his parents with the failures.



3. The loss of self-esteem.

Another common problem in adolescents (especially girls) that can cause school failure is the loss of self-esteem. The concept of oneself is extremely sensitive in adolescence. A comment from a teacher for any mistake or error, a few words of indifference to the clothes he wears, the laughter of some colleagues, or even an unintentional look, can be interpreted as saying, "You seem unpleasant." "No, you know how to do anything" "You will not approve this issue" ... And, finally, the adolescent ends up fulfilling the messages he receives.



4. The pressure of the group.

If there is something strong in this age as a teenager, it is the pressure of the group, which can also be a factor of school failure. Think of the 14-year-old boy or girl who cares about what matters most to the world: his friends accept him, respect him and listen to him. If it is unpopular to get good grades, as is often the case, the teenager will not have trouble relaxing in academics to be like his peers.



5. Immaturity in intellectual development.

Another aspect that may be influential in adolescents in their academic problem is immaturity in intellectual development. In fact, with puberty, a series of hormonal variations that affect different aspects of development occur. One of them is the intellectual. And as in any other aspect of development, there are notable individual differences. This means that, while some students are prepared to understand the complexity of certain "difficult" subjects, others have not yet reached intellectual maturity. The result is school failure. Therefore, it is prudent not to draw definitive conclusions at this age, but to have patience until achieving the balance that is achieved with the natural evolution of life.



6.Tech techniques.

To conclude, we can say that the complexity of secondary studies reaches a level in which study techniques are required.
While the most capable discover them by themselves or create their own methods of study, many others never learn to study.



It is not uncommon to see significant declines in adolescents' school performance, changes in preferences or wishes to leave school. Academic problems are often among the main concerns of parents. Why are academic problems accentuated in this teenage age? It is recommended to review the aspects dealt with in this study, which will surely help blockchain parents, youth and adults to understand their own children. Best regards.


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