A rich seafood sweat.

in Foodies Unite5 years ago


Hello friends!

Here is a quick snapshot of a seafood sweat.

My ingredients:

chili pepper

The auyama is placed to cook, and the paprika, parsley, garlic and onion are cut into julienne strips.

I clean and wash the mussels, crabs and pepitonas, and let them drain until they can be added to the soup.

In the case of shrimp, I tell you that I use fresh shrimp, so I wash it very well, I select the shrimp for their size, and the smallest ones leave it raw with their heads, the largest remove their heads and raw hair.

With the shrimp heads I prepare a consommé, I put them to boil with aji, lemon, garlic and salt. I use this consomme later to liquefy the auyama.

After liquefying the auyama with the consommé of the shrimp heads, I place them in the pot where the soup is to be sewn, there I add the rest of the ingredients: mussel, pepitona, shrimp, crab, auyama, paprika, parsley, onion, garlic, chili, salt and lemon. The pot is placed in a bowl for all the ingredients to boil and add to the flavor its flavor.

Lemon is essential to enjoy this delicious dish.

I hope you like my recipe!

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