Nnamdi kanu presents the feudal north with a distinct case in 50 years; fear that man, who has no price.

in #nnamdi7 years ago

IPOB-696x640.jpgBy the way, Nigerians are a self contradictory people and nnamdi kanus struggle for equity, yet again , exposes our hypocrisy!!

You want restructure,
you want resource control,
You want safety from state protected land-grabbing Fulani murderous herdsmen
You want the fake & bloated population of Fulanis not to matter anymore.
You want development at regional capacities & paces.

You don't want your child to score 199 and give way to an olodo with 5 points in secondary school.
You don't want your child's quest to study medicine to be sacrificed on alter of catchment area.

Several attempts by our genteel and posh regional leaders to stop these inequities have been crushed by the sole beneficiaries.

Along comes the stubborn outsider, Nnamdi kanu, who accidentally grabs the stubborn Fulanis by the scruff and for the first time in 50 years, they are rattled and they are listening. The Fulanis have deployed all the scare tactics in their British designed armoury, but nnamdi is not bulging.

Nnamdi has five tools; ungarnished inconvenient truth, madness, dedicated home youths and abundant diaspora demonstrators.

Just as every ailment has its scientifically accepted stages;
depression and
the Fulanis are going through these stages as they're having to deal with a case of an unbribable man; while their manual says " every man has a price"

So, as nnamdi drags the Fulanis humiliatingly through these stages, and while they equally are bribing and cajoling and bullying eastern elders, institutions and authorities, while also deploying their propaganda, could we all, for the sake of the above itemized goodies we seek for our posterity, be a bit more somber in wishing doom and failure on Nnamdi's quest.

If he fails, a man like him most likely will never come again in our lifetime.

Let's cut these ethnic prismed minute-lived mockery of Nnamdi's struggle on social media, his success is our best hope to take charge of our future.

Let's also know that as in a battle, either party (nnamdi & the Fulanis) will have their highs & lows sometimes. It doesn't signal the end, so, let's not jump out too early to rejoice.

Most of the jaundiced and parochial posts by people like me, who can't convene 100 youths, on this matter, never live beyond 10 hours before unraveling; that's crass.

Let's put some altruistic circumspect in our enjoyment of this duel.

Let's not see it as Igbo fight.

Let's us accept the apparent; nnamdi has rattled the Fulanis to a point no one has ever.

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