in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hey steemians,it's been a wonderful day today,well until now,am literally sad and i don't know where to pour it out to,so i decided to make it a post.

i hate being lied to,i have been on the edge of blowing out my frustration to someone and today i finally did that.I gave a guy a job to do for me, i trusted the guy cause he has worked for someone i know before ,so i figured he would be the best guy for the job,i paid him for the job and he gave me a particular day that the job was to be done ,and i had plans ,everything was just as i planned,perfect right,ya right,until the first excuse came ,well it did not ruin anything so it was not a big deal.

Then came the second excuse,was annoying and the excuse sounded like a lie to cover up for something,but i let it slide because people deserve the benefit of doubt.Then his cell phone was switched off for almost a week,did not hear anything from him ,was obviously pissed then one day ,i called and it rang and he picked up and gave another excuse of lack of electricity and promised to come fix the work.

The expected day came and still no vision of him,i called and he gave an excuse that the person he gets materials from has not been picking his calls and blah blah blah,by now ,most of my plans for this has been ruined,he promised to come by the following day to do the job and we agreed,then the day came and he still did not do it,another excuse.

Then his phone went off and few days later i got call from him saying he forgot his phone in a friend's car and the friend traveled and that's why he has not been reachable and then he told me that the man he gets materials from has a stroke and that he has been trying to get the money back and blah blah blah.

Now,i hate being lied to because most times i can tell,it would make more sense if he comes out clean and tells me he used the money instead of lying.Jokingly for a month now,that work has been shifting and shifting,it's so frustrating,am just so red about the whole thing cause it's reducing the happiness i had for the stuff i wanted to start.

Am just so sad,like would someone just choose to punish another human being,just to simply frustrate you,truly disheartening.....[crying]

Well [wiping my tears] ,lets talk about the good part of today,so i just decided to step out today , and i emt a very good friend of mine,i introduced him to steemit and he made his introductory post 23days ago,but he never visited his profile,so the post had paid out a long time ago but he never checked it.We shared pleasantries before he mentioned he does not have enough money for his school fees and the portal for fee payment was closing today[so we heard at the time] and we were pondering on how to get money to complete cause i was low on cash,i asked him if he had used the sbd from his into post ,he said he did not even remember such a thing and even right there he was still doubting that steemit pays.

Luckily for him,he saved his password in his mail,so all i did was login to his mail and i got the password,login to his steemit account and claim his reward for him ,lol,and even then he still did not believe that steemit pays.i called someone interested in buying the sbd and i sold it ,right in front of him,he saw the alert enter his phone ,the shock and happiness on his face was remarkable.

That was how he completed his school fees ,he kept telling me 'so steemit actually pays' lol,it was great.No matter how little you get,hold it dear,it would definitely be a saving grace and don't for any reason abandoned your steemit account,xoxo.


That guy must be very happy now, but what did you actually pay for? 😒

a wood work o,my dear

So that guy hasnt still come through!
I am shocked!

thats's how life is,i guess

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