HOLY STEEMIT BATMAN !!!-One post has made 350 bucks in a day!!! TIME TO QUIT FACEBOOK AND FULL STEEMIT AHEAD!!!!!

in #steemit8 years ago

Hello WORLD!!!
It´s Elissa here with the inevitable news... . .

Today I decided Faecebook had dealt me one too many stern demands.
"You MUST sign onto messenger if you want to keep receiving messages" I think it came straight from Mark Zuckerfarts himself!

Well how about a big phat fffffno Facebook?


I have heard about this incredible new social media platform STEEMIT about a week ago that pays you every time you get likes!
It absolutely can´t be true.

Well I think it seems real so far, many people were paid out last month so, fingers crossed.
It wouldnt be my first merry go round nor will it be my last...

I decided to check out STEEMIT this week.

Don´t get me wrong I fricking LOVE facebook.
Like. Heroin.
(I´ve actually never tried heroin but I did vomit 30 times after morphine once so I just take Keith´s word for it)

I´m an introvert so I love to be alone, but still connect. I love the way all people around the world are just a message away on Facebook, and those of us who are there and connected can stay in touch easily without intruding too much.

Facebook has changed humanity in many extremely rapid ways.
I think STEEMIT and similar sites will change the balance of power even more in nonexistential ways we can´t yet envision.

Sharing our time, Memes, comedy and real life people giving their opinions for free has advanced our collective consciousness searingly fast.

What Facebook and other technology in the hands of almost everyone means, is we have rapidly self taught ourselves about such things as, sovereignty versus slavery, the federal reserve fractional banking system, vaccines and the Big pHarma mafia, and false flags get called out faster than you can say "Gene Rosen".

Facebook has rocked, romanced and lullabyed my world for around a decade, and I was sooo resistant at first.

Sadly, this never happened. They couldnt have a love button -they want us all fighting in the streets, the whackers.

Buuuut... lately I have begun to be annoyed at FB. Today I heard they shut down Erin Elizabeths´Health Nut News with 400,000 subscibers because she talks SENSE and is BRAVE. Yes you can see why this little cutie is a terrifying threat. Good work Facebook. Fuck Off

Go here and like her new page if youre a supporter

I hope she gets 400 million likes in disgust. It´s a topsy turvy whirrled.

So let me tell you whats so good about STEEMIT!!!


We don´t need Facebook Parenting or censorship and we should avoid all book burning mentality.

2.STEEMIT demands your soul. (And not in a Katy Perry sell your soul to NASA way.Not in a Facebook stalk your exs exs exs photos way, but in a way, well, if you want to do well, in a rogue group of uncensored humans, you better be good in some way or another, at something or other, or even charmingly bad might suffice.
Theres something for everyone, just check out what´s trending!

(Yeah you´ll say you´re not doing it "for the money" but wait till YOU make $350 bucks!!)

The crossroads where facebook meets STEEMIT

3.STEEMIT gathers your energy, adds it up and gives you an incentive for your time and content (and you can buy airline tickets !!! Or Sandwiches!!!) depending on who likes it... so it´s going to encourage us and give us a collective uncensored platform for FRESH CREATIVE ART and an unknowable random but huge and fast growing audience potential.

STEEMIT in some magical way is going to make you, inspire you , allow you, you will be wanting to be ...

  1. Honest
  2. Interesting, no cat photos or dinner photos unless you include the recipe or serve some soul on the side.
  3. Be Original - yeah i know theres nothing that cant be typed by a room full of monkeys randomly over millenia- but we. may. not. have. that. long

YES, STEEMIT JINGOES TO BILLYOS ACTUALLY PAYS OUT REAL MONEY you just have to learn for about 300 hours about bitcoin if you want to get your money out, and who doesnt want that?????

We´ll all be bitcoin savvy by Monday at this rate!

Bitcoins going to go up!!!! The queen is going to go down.

AND!!! For people like me who are allergic to banks (EWWWPONG! ) it actually MAKES us SAVE a good chunk of our magically gathered energies for TWO YEARS so theres your persion plan Slackers.
Who knew?
Way to go.

So I´d been reading the illuminating, heart filled work of incredible young philopsopher @STERLINLUXIN on STEEMIT about a week ago, then I saw some posts from more friends from Anarchapulco...@churdtzu, @kennyskitchen, @jeffberwick, @larkenrose
I saw in just the last week they were all amassing hundreds of dollars!

I have been trying to reconcile getting sick of myself spending all my spare time on Facebook but at the same time i feel driven and compelled to do it.
I love connecting with love all over the world but I have never seen anything change society as fast as Facebook.

I really feel obliged. Unable to stop the activism. Its just truth seeking and spreading as I see it

I have been living for 6 years in tents, tambos, hammocks, vans and out of a suitcase so I am free as many hours as possible to let my mind wander.
I Live cheap so I can work little and use my time to follow information.

When you find that history they never taught us in school, (and all the lies they did teach us!)
You learn so differently with an open heart and mind.
My greatest luxury is the freedom I am creating to explore and be in in harmony with the synchronistic teaching rhythms of life itself.

Once you get yourself away from the herd, your string doesnt have to harmonise with all that discordant hell.
The longer you follow truth, the stronger you get, (but not usually financially ; )

I am often angry at myself for being my age and still borrowing money from my folks.
Sometimes it depresses me so much that I am so disorganised at best, hopeless at worst.

When I say borrow, they´re going to have to live till theyre about 170 apiece for me to repay them the billions of dollars I owe them for their unconditional love.

Then yesterday bloody @JeffBerwick the legend makes $15,000 THOUSAND DOLLARS on his FIRST POST!.
I see today Larken Rose is up to $1800 for his first post. Not bad for 5 mins work you think...
These guys are what is known as energy/content "whales".
They have years of connecting with thousands of people and they have put in thousands of unpaid hours.
Many of us feel indebted to them, so we upvote them , and all that previously unregistered energy goes ker-ching!!!

I think today Jeff has a new post worth about $5 grand so far... yes, thats 5,000 dollars. It is a pleasure to see people who have brought value to your life, getting rewarded and doing well.

Its a little daunting to put yourself out there but I wrote a few articles this week.
One about me living the anarchist life, one about mandela effect, a personal one about vaccines and one about False flags.

I made a few cents in the first few days and for many hours writing it didnt seem too good.
I was feeling rejected, hopeless, allergic to success, verbose, complicated, rash and brash... but after that little self flagellation I decided to be a good sport and keep up my writing goals.

I was very happy that STEEMIT as a platform just encouraged some fresh words and thoughts into cyberspace, and a new audience.

Well far out.
I logged in tonight and noticed my vaccine story is currently at $350 dollars since yesterday!!!

Imagine the kind of perpetual travellers we will all become if we can make an airline ticket around the world just from blogging!!!

All of a sudden I dont see the point spending too much time on FB, just use it as a pager service.

FB has been pissing me off for months, lots of comments of mine deleted, or comment hidden!!

Thanks Facebook but I didn´t know Aunty Gladys was the site mediator.

As for trying to suppress Erin Elizabeth and HEALTHNUTNEWS, FB shutting down a page with half a million people is going to be a beeping alarm to wake up and leave the building.

In fact, as soon as I post this I am going to invite Erin over to STEEMIT because she´s GREAT.
And so is her husband Dr Mercola, one of the best research collections for alternative and nutritional medicine out there.
The more they try to suppress anyone the more we must all stand up for those ones, as then we will have our beastly owners running scared of the sheer power of our numbers.
Soon THEY will have no choice, but to literally leave us on our merry ways.

Dr Mercola and Erin Elizabeth, healthcare truth tellers

I don´t know if FB is getting more vigilant, more censors, or if I´m just steadily attracting their IRE, either way if youre a friend from FB you know why pretty much everyone wants to kill me

So take some time, have a look and think about joining STEEMIT.

We´ll still have all our photos and memes and silly banter, we´ll just probably put a bit more thought into it.
We can watch the dollars AND sense flow amongst us all openly as we rise up across the world voluntarily and escape the clutches of our masters debt prisons.

Sharing love, cryptocurrency, goodwill, truth, hate, pain, freedom, music, art, perpetual travel, we´ll leave our governments behind, our borders will be ignored, as all of us across the board realise telling truth pays.

People en masse really CAN see through most bullshit, but nowhere in the world did you ever get dollars for seeing through the bullshit.

Teachers, Doctors, Lawyers, Librarians, Police, Soldiers... sitting in the middle of the biggest steaming pile of bullshit.

Can you just imagine a world where truth and integrity pays... where your own steam, your own energies, your own souls creativity, your own shit- PAYS!!!!


Free yourself of all your ´bonds´.

I have so many friends I will inspire to get on here and share their art, their homeschool diary their essential oil medicine kit, their songs, all minds all hearts, all souls.

So come on fuck facebook, seriously.
Get out before theres a swat team at your door.

Sign up in 2 minutes, Introduce yourself, write a story, its a healing thing to do, free up yourself and see what you are, see what .happens.

I´m six days in and Im happy now. I´m energised. I´m inspired.
Thats priceless.

The cash will be nice too. Whatever it comes to, I will keep you all posted.

(Or you can just go on STEEMIT and see everyones tally!)

Most people are sick BECAUSE of this financial system at some level.
If we can encourage ourselves out of that in a way with integrity whilst we are all moving ourselves into cryptocurrency... it´s goodbye Rothschilds...
this world will be unrecognisable in 12 months, and those underground bunkers will become their PRISONS.


@elissahawke That Keith Richards meme had me Dying! Cool post too.

@domavila thanks! I try to find stuff that makes me wet myself or at least LOLsies

So damn funny! The meme that gets me no matter what is the "crying Jordan". It will never get old.

I'm a huge laker fan so I identify with this.

that jordan post is right on !!

@jamesart63 Ain't that the truth?!

Great article :) I am ready to finally say " goodbye Rothschilds" too!

Awesome. I think this is fantastic. When I grow up I wanna do something like this!

Oh @dubloon135 just give your ideas for an older friend to post for you... i didnt know there was an age limit... even if there is, find a way to break it, you´re ready NOW : )

I have spent about 1 hour total on fakebook in the last three weeks. I couldn't be happier! :)

Glad to see you and your humor on here Elissa! Saludos!

cheers Jeff! All hail the King ; )

I had a couple of chuckles along the way, to be honest i got a bit bored about halfway through....i dunno maybe too many pics and too much content, i dunno, still thanks the chuckles :)

This is wonderful! So straight up! I am verbose as hell and youre right. I just never want to leave out any facets...Im going to work on not boring you at all if we ever meet again Thanks @ashleybeckwith

I liked the part I read :)

i love your honesty

@elissahawke This is just amazing I'm in love with this post. It's exactly how I've been feeling about Steemit! I am very excited about what the future holds for us now that Steemit is here! I think It will change the world in so many ways! Honestly my mind is constantly thinking about how to create content. If everyone who uses Steem becomes occupied with it I know the world itself will benefit from the efficiencies Steemit is creating in society. I know violent crimes will have to decrease because of the Morals of the community are unlike any other community in the world. Like you said it will also change things in existential ways we haven't thought of! Thanks for sharing your perspective! I'm inspired more and more by what I read on the Blockchain! Steemit is the Revolution! Viva la Steem!

thanks @jordanallen i´m glad i´m not the only one feeling good vibes
there will be no time for crime when a steemit post rakes you in $350 ; )

That was an awesome post but you seriously could have had a 3 or 4 post series from all that amazing writing full of witty quips...plus all those memes and images...if thats your start you going to rock this..

@stephen-somers thanks for the tip and compliments. : )

Hey very encouraging since I just made my first post on this platform. I like the way you added the images and congrats on making some bank. Keep up the good work!

thanks @kbargold you´ve gotta be in it to win it. Unlike the lottery STEEMIT is not "tax for the dumb" because it makes us excavate our selves

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