The abyss

in #blog6 years ago


Sometimes we expect from others to behave, we are very judgmental, and we get easily disappointed. But are we that perfect ourselves? We often tend to say "I thought I knew that person". But do we know that well ourselves?

How many times did you prove you wrong? How many times you did something that you didn't expect you would do? How many times did you surprise your own self?

Our soul, our mind -call it whatever you wish-, is an abyss. We are not robots, we are humans and even if we don't want to admit our darkest thoughts or "unacceptable" actions, we are all susceptible to hurting others' feelings or failing their trust. Logic is a good friend but emotions may do harm sometimes as they cannot always be controlled. When we are driven by them we have to be aware that they don't always dictate what is right. Right for whom?

Is there actually a universal law about "right and wrong"? (Well according to Kant there is). Μy own kind of right may not be that right for someone else and vice versa. And I'm not talking about the extremes of course (murders, violence, sexual abuse etc). I'm talking about the minor everyday things that may destroy or improve our relationships with others.

We have all dived into our abyss and we were perfectly fine with it. We have followed an emotion, a wish we found buried deep inside, an instinct, an impulse and at that point we didn't take someone else's feelings in consideration. However we don't accept that from others. How weird is that?

We may betray a good friend, our partner, even ourselves. Following our will or an emotion with eyes folded may lead there. Whether this is an insult, an abrupt behaviour or anything else that may harm someone's feelings.

Forgive others and judge first of all your actions. Getting in someone else's shoes can make things more easy to understand. At the end of the day we all have a bright and a dark side.


κ αναρωτιομουν τι απεγινες αυτες τις μερες :p ειχα ανοιξει το προφιλ σε tab πριν φυγω για καφε, για να στειλω μετα κανα μνμ αν ολα ειναι οκ :P Μολισ γυρισα τσουπ ποστ η elia :P


χαχαχ σε πρόλαβα λοιπόν :P Έχει πέσει πολλή δουλειά γι' αυτό χάθηκα.. :)

βλεπεις εχεις γινει καθημερινη συνηθεια πλεον :P

χαχαχα χαρά μου!

My expectations drive me to react negatively towards others. Usually when I expect someone to understand or know soemthing, that they shouldn’t always be expected to have known. Which has led me over the years to try and develop a be prepared for anything but expect everything attitude.

"Be prepared for anything but expect everything attitude".
That is the key I think in human relationships.. You are right! Expectations can be disastrous on many levels!

Καλησπέρα @eliakon !
Πολύ ενδιαφέρον το άρθρο σου και συνάμα πολύ δύσκολο στην πράξη...! Ο εγωισμός, εγωκεντρισμός και η υπεροψία των ανθρώπων, εμποδίζουν την αυτοκριτική...Λίγοι είναι εκείνοι που μπορούν να "κοιταχτούν" στον καθρέφτη και να τα βάλουν με τον εαυτό τους...!!! Να είσαι καλά !!!

Καλησπέρα!! Ευχαριστώ πολύ.. :) Η αλήθεια είναι αυτή.. Το να κρίνεις τους άλλους είναι πολύ εύκολο..Το να δεις αυτά που κάνεις εσύ -που πολλές φορές είναι πάνω κάτω τα ίδια με αυτά που κρίνεις στους άλλους- θέλει έναν αρκετά ισορροπημένο και ώριμο χαρακτήρα..

Αν μάθεις να κρίνεις τον εαυτό σου... θα περάσεις σε άλλο πνευματικό επίπεδο..
Το να κρίνεις τον εαυτό σου.... θα μάθεις να αγαπάς αληθινά...

Συμφωνώ Νίκο! Πρώτα εμάς τους ίδιους και μετά τους άλλους..

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