Ending the Addictions - One by One

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I have mentioned previously, I have been in a process of ending my many substance addictions. I don't know how it is for anyone else, but it becomes pretty clear that I cannot do more than one chemical at a time.

First, I stopped smoking weed.

This is of course the easiest one. But you still go through a few days of feeling quite lost and listless. Cannabis isn't really addictive, but your body's chemistry does still take a little while to return to normal.

Why do I want to not smoke cannabis?

Because it puts an unnecessary load on my liver, and puts me at risk of being arbitrarily imprisoned. I don't ever want to be in a prison again, in my life, except to bust it open to let out political prisoners, in a time of war. Which I also do not want to happen.

After the weed, I stopped drinking energy drinks.

I have never really been addicted to coffee. I mean, at the homeless drop-in centres, it was given out for free, and for way too many days in my life, I have been in the up-and-down of its effects.

It has been brutal to my stomach, and combined with alcohol and dehydration, caused me episodes of gout, sometimes very painful.

I had the gout again yesterday. It happened for a while in Serbia too. Pain in my extremities, muzzy head, discolouration especially in the feet, pain in movement. Digestive upset. Coffee is one of the worst, for the caffeine, for the other things I don't know what in it, disrupting my digestion, number one probably being the tannins, which are extremely diuretic and dehydrating.

It was also not just the caffeine, since anyone who has known me for a time in person, that I was drinking 1-3 cans of Hell, or V, or Monster, on a daily basis. Not just the caffeine, but also, a number of questionable synthetic 'vitamins' like inositol, Taurine, and others. And let's not forget each can had about 50g of sugar plus pobably 5g of biotech produced citric acid.

Next came tobacco.

In general, whenever I have tried to stop doing one thing, I start doing another, a lot. When I stopped smoking weed, I started chain-smoking tobacco.

The elimination of caffeine exacerbated this even further. The B vitamins were probably involved in this, as B Complex tablets were one of the first supplements I discovered helped with my cognitive problems, mainly concentration and sustained mental exertion.

The effect of tobacco on my cardiovascular system was absolutely horrendous. You cannot smoke cigarettes, and have any degree of cardiovascular fitness. It makes you weak.

As I have posted recently, and further compounded by my increased consumption of alcohol, when I stop, I become extremely spikey. I realise, every time, as though it is a new thing, though I have watched myself go through this at least 5 times in my life, everything that I have been swallowing, tolerating, suddenly I have to scream NO! at all of it.

The worst thing about tobacco is how it makes you submissive and complacent.

The nice thing is, that I am very much a naturally rebellious person. I obey logic, not your instructions. I obey the information that I can interlock with everything else that I have determined is the truth. If I have no information, your shrill and strident imperative commands will only make me more likely to disappear, and go out, deliberately to prove you wrong, or at least build some evidence that I cannot question.

To compound this further, I also have, due to poverty and ridiculous and ineffective (and for the government, very lucrative), outrageous taxes on cigarettes, and for way too many days in my life, I have been gathering half smoked cigarettes, which are at least twice as toxic as fresh ones, all else being equal.

Stopping smoking has been the most important step, for my sense of self definition

So, now I stand on the threshold of having literally only one chemical that I continue to poison myself with.

Ending the alcohol consumption

Now that I am through the worst part of the withdrawals from smoking tobacco, the excessive substitution with alcohol is now coming to an end. I have been suffering dehydration, constant muzzy hangover, uncomfortable circulation, problems with the blood flow and bacteria inside my mouth and throat, dehydration of my skin, a general feeling of pain in my belly, disruption of my digestion, frequent diarrhea...

Literally poisoning myself.

The last obstacle now stands before me.

The alcohol also has tested my resolve to not smoke, but being the only remnant of my chemical addiction problems, I already had steeled myself to get through two previous detoxification processes, and today, I begin the last.

I do not expect it to be easy, at all, but I also am pretty sure that after 3-4 days I will also notice a whole bunch of things that were not working, suddenly start functioning again. There will be yet anothter change you will see in my mental state, in my writing, in the way I write, what I spend my time doing.

Hopefully, after a few days detoxing off the alcohol, I will start this programming work that I have been talking about and doing way too little about. But I won't unduly castigate myself. Even through all this, I have been able to muster the resources to become an object of emulation, of inspiration, for other people, in ways that I never believed would be possible.

Loki, without any kind of drugs, will be an absolute menace to everyone with a hobby horse and vice for receiving unearned money, respect, adulation, and adoration.

I am here to throw a herd of cats into a chamber of pigeons, and may the feathers fill the air like dust, until there is no more evil in this world.

I am going to be not feeling so great for a few days, but I am sure that afterwards, I am going to feel like a new man.

I am proud that I have managed to pull these barbs out of myself, one at a time, and once the poisons start to fully clear from my system, I will at last be able to do what I dream of.

I couldn't have got here without this amazing blockchain blogging platform, and the many people whose words and time shared have helped me onto this path.

Thank you all for your support, and for tolerating my at times ridiculous behaviour.

You literally are helping me save my own life, and in return, I will do the same for everyone else in this world, and the opposite, for those whose iniquity is irrevocable.


I have really put myself in a spot with all this. I am getting quite a bunch of difficult symptoms. I look at various things, and I have gout-like symptoms, but not in the joints, only in the tingling and pain in peripherals, and the discolouration. I have shortness of breath, my eyes are sorta buggin, I am a bit concerned that my thyroid might be upset, and an antihistamine I am taking, which suppressed wheat allergy, may also have a somewhat dangerous interaction with thyroid conditions and autoimmune problems, which are possible.

I am having mild but not extreme visual distortions, I am confusing subjects and objects and losing track of negations in my language. These effects are further confusing the situation when I look, is my throat looking different? does the change of colour in my extremities look dangerous?

So I am now just fasting, with water only. I was going to get some clonidine and clonazepam to settle the hypertension and foggy brain (it is likely excess glutamate activity caused by alcohol withdrawals), but I think if I manage to sleep and don't put another thing in my body except woter, for a few days, that should help.

The scary thing is, I am pretty sure if I drank a bit of vodka, the symptoms would be reduced. What a mess!!

But no. anyway, as someone said in chat, after I told that I am detoxing off alcohol, nicotine and caffeine at the same time, that I am being rather ambitious... It shows just how galvanised my will has become, that as soon as I catch my breath from one detox process, I start another one, and then again, after a week, the third one.

I am not getting severe enough symptoms from anything to actually be harmful, except that the alteration of my vision and my confusion gives me alarming inputs thtat I have to try and filter out with my rational mind and ...

Well, sure, a medical supervision would be nice. but I also am repulsed by the idea of taking more drugs to fix the problems caused by drugs.

I'm just going to sit this out, water fast, try to lie down, and try to rein in my wildly overactivated mental processes.

It's almost harder than just the will to refuse to start any of it again, to not let myself succumb to the alarm at the strange things happening under my skin.

If it kills me, so be it. I hope this is not my disordered, last words spewing forth from my fingers. I want to get through this. The change after 3 days with no tobacco, makes me so excited, my brain was working better than ever. But now I am detoxing off alcohol as well, and maybe having a reaction to this antihistamine, which may be interacting.

With you all as my witness, I declare that this can never happen again, ever, not just for my own sake, but for the legacy that failing to pass through this process, will leave as my legacy, one way or another.


I'm addicted to Steem.

That's not such a bad thing. But the game is rigged. I remember people saying it before but I figured out that the witnesses have a prisoner's dilemma, in the top 19, particularly, and 'slope' of ever expanding voting power, which they have to, basically, choose each other for, or they fall out of the 19.

So you can imagine how that goes. Plus only 13 have to form a tight group and they control the hard forks. If steemit has enough to control that 13, then it's effectively a private chain, with the veneer of being open and independent.

Why I'm not surprised?

@faddat may have been breaking his brain with meth, but he was quite certain there was exploitation. I've nailed the mechanism, precisely, anyone who knows game theory cannot deny the witness and self voting combine to fonm a prisoner's dilemma.

It also means that a) steemit must be taken down, and b) a new, similar platform, build with rules that aim to mitigate such dilemma problems, has to be devised.

It's like Steemit is the Myspece of Social media when it began. I can totally see how a better much more fair platform can emerge, learning​ from Steemit's mistakes.

There's something people say about language, 'You have to know the rules before you can break them' that puts me in mind of having to be clean (and fit or at least healthy) before DMT will play nicely with you. What are you thoughts on the merits of consumption vs smoking DMT?

I have maybe lost the sense of high priority for studying this amazing substance, but as my many posts about it towards the end of the DMT World days, I was aiming to develop a method of administering it to the nasal mucosa.

I was thinking that the freeze/thaw/freeze/thaw method of eliminating the immiscibility of oils and water, that was discovered about 10 years ago or so, could be a possible method. If you could get DMT and water to mix in a ratio that fits the dose rate and amount of spray, or even in a dropper, similar to how it is done with Semax. It would likely also have a relatively short shelf-life, though perhaps a molar equivalent of ascorbic acid in the solution, and increase penetration with a molar equivalent of DMSO (crypto wonder drug in vogue).

Actually, speaking of DMSO, peple have dissolved DMT in it and used it to do transdermal administration. Furthermore, you may know of the micro-abrasive derms that have been developed, and of course, being a fellow Gibson fan, you know full well what a Derm is.

Imagine DMT derms. Now that would be sweet! Though I don't know what possible defences may rise up in the body to suppress it. DMT is easy to break, so it is eliminated fast, if it doesn't get to its destination first.

At least you didn't end up like me.

I started with weed, then my friends convinced me DXM (cough-syrup) was a fairly safe chemical to experiment with. I ended up becoming semi-addicted to that stuff for like two weeks, taking Mucinex pills every day.

I kicked that habbit fairly quick though without much addiction withdrawals or whatever.

Once I hit 21, I began drinking fairly heavy for around 2 years.

At 23, I tried some shrooms after every person I knew took them, so I was like hey why not?

Eventually this led to a curious exploration of stronger psychedelics like lsd and nbomes, which I had definitely abused for a good month or so.

Im currently recovering from all this bull crap, and its somewhat working.

I was very selective and researched everything that I've ever done.

Oh and the other thing I regret doing is synthetic cannibinoids (usually referred to as K2 or something like that.)

I tried a couple of jwh's, 018 and 072 iirc. one was ok, the other, meh. But I've heard that some are downright dangerous, causing deleium and psychotic episodes in susceptible individuals, far worse than the natural drug.

also, I wrote this: http://elfspice.tripod.com/acacia/acacia_extraction.html and I was selling, and got nearly killed during the arrest, Bromo Dragonfly, back in 2013. I am the real Elfspice, and I don't think you have to look very close at it, side by side with what I write here, and also as my original steem account, l0k1 - that it is indeed my handiwork. Note that simply possessing such a document was illegal in the place where I lived when developing that document, through experiment and collaboration with other experimentalists.

And maybe, now that I am about to become fully detoxed, I can return to the DMT, at some point in the future. I long speculated and dreamed of refining a method to administer it, reliably, and safely, via nasal membranes. I experimented with intramuscular and intravenous preparations.

But none of that was ever going to take me anywhere worth going, until I did what I have begun in this last month, to fix my diet, end my addictions, and find out and fix what is stopping me from being an unstoppable, ruthless agent of change. :)

Oh, btw, I know DXM. I took it one time and got such an intense itching reaction that it was not repeatable, even if I had extracted thte drug from the diarrhea-inducing glycerol its' mixed with. The class of drugs it comes from is one of the ones that I kinda enjoy, but never developed any addictions to, it is related to methadone, ketamine and PCP. They are all NMDA antagonists and cause some degree of anaesthesia. Methadone and Dextromethorphan are also opiod agonists, the latter with strong cough suppressant effects.

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